Weekend Bits || Easter Weekend Shenanigans.


I didn’t exactly take time out to proper document my easter weekend and because of this, I didn’t plan to put up a weekend bits post. I was casually going through my picture folder a short while back and realized that while I dont have “top notch pictures”, I can actually still whip together a post with the few pictures I took with my phone.

Carrying my camera around with me is something I don’t do so much these days which shouldn’t be seeing as I’m working on a street style project that requires that I have a camera on me all the time, but it is so much stress. I’ll do better starting from the new month but for now, let’s get back to the main reason we’re here.

If you’re signed up to my mailing list here, you might already know how I’m always roasting in my house on Friday nights and the constraints I have when it comes to late nights so my Friday was such a welcome change.
I went for a friend’s dinner at Hard Rock Cafe. I didn’t really get to appreciate the place as I would have loved to because it was late/dimly lit then, but their aesthetics is so so nice and right up my alley! I immediately fell in love with the place, till I saw their price list :’) :’) Tuke did a review on hard rock cafe here.
I was going to wear my GREY dress (Remeber GREY?  I’ve worked with them previously here) – the outfit in the flatlay picture but I ended up just wearing the same outfit in this post instead, because the dress is a bit short and I didn’t want to be the one looking like a tramp. Lol

I had quite a number of events to attend on saturday but I ended up just going to see Batman Vs superman at Genesis Deluxe Cinema. Worst!! I almost slept off at different points of the movie, it was so long and took a while to peak. It didn’t help that the hall was so filled up, we had to sit at the very first roll and to top it off, there were lots of noisy teenagers in the hall *sigh*

Have you seen the movie?
What did you think about it?

I really wanted to just lazy around on sunday but I already had a prior engagement and had to keep my word. I helped out a fellow blogger take some pictures for her blog, go check her out here and since I was already there, I decided to also take some myself as well (See the post here)

I was already thinking I’ll have a roasting monday but my Aunt saved me.  I went to her church (This present house) souk (a sort of market place – think mente de moda) with my small cousins and did a lot of walking around. Seeing lots of cute kids running around was just making me happy *sigh* I think I want to have just 3 kids though, How about you?

How did your easter weekend go and how did this new week treat you?
What did you get up to?
Please shareee and let’s connect!

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P.S : You might like these
Outfit || Old school vibes.
– My Top 7 embarrassing moments.
– The Normcore fashion trend.
– How to make the most out of your wardrobe.
– Outfit || Blue Daze.

Author: Cassie Daves

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  • I spent a lot of my Easter weekend going out to eat. It started on Friday morning when my cousins suggested we go out for brunch and I went to visit my family in the evening. On Saturday, I went out for lunch with a friend at Nando's and we ended up shopping. After eating out on Monday as well, I said no more eating out for me. I found the Easter weekend really peaceful and relaxed. Not sure if I prefer Easter to Christmas

  • Awww, nice, I wanted to stop by at the Souk o but it didn't happen
    Friday: had to do some office work and made a lot of calls too because band issues, Friday was stressful with people cancelling after commiting to stuff
    Saturday: rehearsal, then went to my office briefly, then I went for a really cool concert where I saw Nneka perform live, I took pictures sef, might put it on the blog sometime in the future.
    Sunday: Church, gig venue for setup and soundcheck, lagos grill fest and then the gig
    Monday: TV interview tooo early in the morning, then hustle to buy fuel, then live your dreams meeting which lasted till 5 and then I finally got back home to get some much needed rest, caught up with episodes of Quantico (one of the very few series I actually watch) and that was my weekend. I didn't get enough rest.
    I need a vacation/I need to make some decisions which would allow me have some time to breathe.
    This comment wasn't meant to be this long atall sha.


  • I've still not seen the movie, in fact my schedule these days doesn't give time for cinema runs anymore *sad*. It looks like you had fun, I only went out on Easter Sunday after church and I totally welcomed the holiday cos of the much needed rest. Side-eyeing your skirts LOL

  • I just couldn't get myself to concentrate while seeing Batman Vs Superman.. I slept almost throughout the Easter Break and I fell sick immediately after.

    • This your picture reminds me soooo much of a friend from before – okpe . I'm sure I've said it before but it hits me everytime I see the picture.

      So sorry to read that, I hope it isn't anything too serious and you're getting better?

  • Me too, 3 kids.
    Someone else also said Batman vs Superman was dry and these days I have no chill left for movies. Any "it was dry" talk and I'm like "say no more." That's the end.
    I like your scarf and glasses combo. It makes you look tres Fulani.

    • Heyyyy our dokita, how's NYSC treating you?
      LOL – say no more. Well, your taste might be different from ours sha. I know some people that really loved the film
      Thank you! I didn't notice the fulani thing till everyone started saying it and then I saw it too. Lol

  • Easter was not really no work for me, covered for a colleague few hours on Friday..
    Saturday : i made my hair which i loosened almost immediately 😒 the weaving was so tight i got tiny dots saying hello the next day.. I watched my big fat greek wedding πŸ’’ , it was so cool you should watch it..
    Sunday was big sis hangout day, no easter fried rice but pizza and ribenna were baes..
    Monday was work for me😣 *pftt* 10hrs straight was workful..
    But all in all easter was cool..
    Superman vs Batman review according to my movie gang of friends #overated
    Your shades smile and scarf combo is perfectisa..

  • Easter was still a bit of work for me..
    I covered few hours for a colleague on Friday..
    Saturday made my hair that i loosened asap cause the weaving was so tight and i got tiny dots saying hello on my scalp..
    Sunday was hangout with big sis, no fried rice but pizza and ribenna took care of me..
    Monday was work for me, i was on duty 10hrs πŸ˜₯ but i think that made the rest of the week fly past quickly..
    Lol at hard rock cafe pricing, would definitely check out tuke's review before tripping out..
    Nice pictures , i totally love the look #scrafshadessmile..
    Superman vs Batman according to my movie gang friends #overrated , you should watch my big fat Greek wedding it's funny and cool bit of mushy mushy..

  • Easter was still a bit of work for me..
    I covered few hours for a colleague on Friday..
    Saturday made my hair that i loosened asap cause the weaving was so tight and i got tiny dots saying hello on my scalp..
    Sunday was hangout with big sis, no fried rice but pizza and ribenna took care of me..
    Monday was work for me, i was on duty 10hrs πŸ˜₯ but i think that made the rest of the week fly past quickly..
    Lol at hard rock cafe pricing, would definitely check out tuke's review before tripping out..
    Nice pictures , i totally love the look #scrafshadessmile..
    Superman vs Batman according to my movie gang friends #overrated , you should watch my big fat Greek wedding it's funny and cool bit of mushy mushy..