Five Things I’m Loving Lately (02)

Hey guys!

I hope you all had a good weekend? This post was supposed to go up yesterday but Life happened. Remember when I said I was going to start sharing ‘things I’m loving lately’ every now and then? Well, this is the second post on my five things lately category . You can check out the first one ‘here

Please forgive the poor picture quality.


I found this brand that makes pretty FULL skater skirts from fun prints on instagram and I put an emphasis on full because I don’t want another marilyn monroe moment , thank you! I’m tired of having to hold down my skirts on windy days so I take the material and fullness into consideration. I particularly like the top left and bottom middle one, the print is too delicious. I received a brown&black striped skirt from them and i hope to wear it soon. The tailoring was superb, i was definitely impressed. You can check them out on instagram @twentysixskirt or send enquiries : 


I couldn’t have asked for a better pair as group members tbh! Nothing shows compatibility more in ‘med school groups” than when you all are vibrating around the same frequency. I think I’m riding on a stroke of good luck that I pray never ends but the doctors in my surgery posting units so far have been real chilled or maybe its the strike? (I hope i didnt just jinx it. Lol)


This house of tara lipstick that I still intend to do a review on later on has been Bae to me lately.


Because life is a lot better in slouchy clothes. I’m not 100 percent sure that’s what the top is called but google seems to kind of agree with me. This is my new favourite top and I’ve sworn to fill my closet with more tops like this. It actually isn’t a crop top though #DontJudgeMe. Lol


I love male scents! I know this one says “woman” but i’ll get to that part of the story soon. I got the Hugo Boss Red (Male) from a friend last year and I loved it so much that when my uncle asked me what I wanted, it was the first thing that came to my head (okay maybe not the first thing or second thing either, white converse and new camera lens took that position). I forgot to specify so he got me the female version of the hugo boss red and I still love it!! Hugo boss can do no wrong in my eyes! Boss Orange (also for men) is another one of my faves

So what have you been loving lately?
Happy new month guys.

Cassandra Ikegbune

Author: Cassie Daves

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