For Times When You Feel Lonely/Left Out

Its a dull friday evening, the type you are already accustomed to.
Some days you are fine with this slow paced tempo that is your life but other days like today when the rigors of medical school is threatening to drive you crazy, you wish you could have even just a little bit of that fast lane life, that you could be the type with friends who sit over dinner sharing hugs and laughs.
So you sit there on the new couch which would never quite be like your childhood couch, that one with the lace trimmings. You sit there awaiting the arrival of the rest of your family, and you think about your slow paced life.
Of how you never have friends invite you out for drinks and the random craziness that people your age are having.
Of how it seems the people you know, know each other and have somehow found a way to push you out of their growing circle
Of how you may just be deluding yourself into believing you actually have friends.
This amongst other thoughts start to color your mood a dark shade of grey.  But in that moment, I hope you remember that its okay to feel this way sometimes, like the world is closing in on you and no one can see it.
I hope you remember to be kind to yourself, to let go of things that weigh you down. Things in which you have no control over because soon you’ll come to realise that not a thing matters.
Not the people you thought couldn’t live without you then did just that, not the friends you thought would always have your back but somehow got trapped in their own lives, not any of that.
Take a deep breath, listen to that song that puts you in the right mood, pick a book, call your sister/ that person that can get you going.
You’ll be fine once you stop stressing the little things.
You’ll be fine honey.

Cassandra Ikegbune

Author: Cassie Daves

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