2015 In Words.


Its becoming a bit of a tradition of mine to do a year in review post. A tradition I started in 2013, continued in 2014 and although I’ve been procrastinating writing this and having troubles finding the words to write down, its one I intend to keep so here goes.

As I lay in bed reminiscing about this year and trying to think of words for this post, I can’t help but be thankful to God for His grace in everything.
A lot of things happened this year and in between every frustrating moment and every joy filled moment, I still felt a bit secured knowing that He was there for me.

I had the most dreaded final professional exams and amidst lots of tears and major depressing moments, I graduated med school and officially became a doctor (I wrote about that here). Even though I’m still currently unemployed, that’s one thing I’ll always remember 2015 for that.

I also experienced being broke on another level this year. Haha but I know that soon I’ll look back at it all as just another learning experience.

I didn’t do a lot of modeling this year compared to previous years and I didn’t die. Lol. There was once a point where I just couldn’t imagine what will happen when I eventually had to stop modeling but I got tired of it all myself instead.
I had the first edition of the Cassie Daves catwalk classes, I’m not sure if I’ll like to continue with this and though this wasn’t in the plan at the beginning of the year, I was super proud of myself for doing it.

I also had my meet and greet event ‘TBC Connect’ and this was another high note for me. There’s truly nothing as delightful as seeing something you put together come to life.

I learnt to drive this year, went to a proper driving school but still haven’t driven a car after that. Hopefully, I don’t forget how to.

I cut my hair again, remember the very first time I cut it in 2013? Read the story here.

I started learning this makeup thing from my makeup artist friend, but I didn’t complete it so I’m still #TeamBrowsNeverOnFleek

I also learnt a whole lot about my potentials/passions and also a lot of things that I can do. See, associating myself with doers, thinkers and all round creative people was one of the best things I did for myself this year.

This year I impressed myself a lot! With the level of maturity I approached and tackled some life issues. Of course, I still had moments when I let myself choose the irrational way out but I can definitely see the difference between where I am now and last year.
I grew a whole LOT! and learnt a lot of things – through both bad times and good times.
I learnt a few lessons in friendship.
I re-learnt the beauty of just letting go.
I learnt to communicate my feelings on things a bit more instead and not let anyone make me feel bad for choosing to share how I felt over hoarding it inside.
I learnt that nobody really owes me anything.
I also learnt that people can be evil sha but then thank God for the beauty of letting go so I freed my mind.
I learnt to do more of the things that brings me to life and to say no to fear.
I learnt a lot about love, about how its more of a decision than butterflies and giddy feelings.
But most importantly, this year I learnt to stop limiting myself so much especially in my thoughts, to dream big and also to constantly guard my heart against envy, jealousy and all round negative thoughts.

BECOMING – that’s the theme of my 2015.

I’m still a work in progress but I’m only getting better.

I didn’t do a “the real mvps” post like last year but I have to say a big thank you to Kachy for just being a positive influence, Ismail for never hesitating to help me out, Laiza for always encouraging me to be better, Anthony for being supportive at all times and you guys of course for all the love.

Whats the one thing you achieved this year that you’re most proud of / the highest point of your year?
How was your 2015?

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P.S – You can still enter my Christmas Giveaway here, it will be over in a bit

Author: Cassie Daves

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  • Your makeup looks amazing.
    Wow, you had a very interesting year and you achieved quite a lot.
    This year I graduated high school (yay lol) and learnt to be more comfortable in my skin. To not worry about what people think all the time as I've always had that problem. I'm not 100 percent over it yet but I will get there.

    Here's to a wonderful 2016. xx

    • Thank you Demilade! A pro make up artist worked her magic on my face. Lol
      I remember your post on your graduation – must have been awesome! I know mine was.

      Yes! To not worrying about what people think 'all the time'. Honestly, it was also something I worked on majorly this year as I have always been somewhat affected by people's opinion on me. Like you, I'm not 100 percent there yet but I'm sooo much closer!

  • This year I learnt how to be content..to come out of my shell,to save more..and I learnt how to move on and turn deaf ears to negativity.And above all,to leave it all to God.to trust him ALWAYS. 2015 was full of lessons for me to prepare me for the blessings that awaits me in 2016.God's grace…


  • Sounds like a wonderfully busy fulfilling year! I hope you can put some make-up tips on your posts this year! I'm new to posting, so if you did before I missed them. My husband is always posting, so I said let me check out what's all the fuss about, LOL!

  • Learnt alot about patience and forgiveness this year.. Also learnt that things may not always work out as planned but you can still make the best out of the situation (I.T taught me that sigh)..lastly, I learned that nothing happens without you doing something and I'm definitely applying that in 2016.. Cheers
    P.S: love your makeup

    • Yesso. Most times things don't work out as planned – I learnt this one from graduating and still being jobless six months after. I never envisioned it and always thought I'll get an automatic job after I graduate.
      I'm glad you made the best of your I.T though.

      Thanks babe, I didn't do the makeup though :$

  • Congrats on all the things you achieved. It's beautiful, all the lessons you learnt this year. For me this year,I realised indeed that you don't know how strong and capable you are until strength is the only option.

  • Hi Cassie,

    I really enjoyed reading this post, "Becoming" sounds wonderful. You learned a lot of meaningful lessons this year.

    This year I evolved into a better version of myself, I also learned to trust myself more and just do it.

    I hope you had a good Christmas? I wish you happiness in the New Year. πŸ™‚

  • Have always Admired the Beautiful Free Spirited Soul Within and how Humble you have remained! In His Time all your Dreams, Hopes and Wishes will come to Fruition so Keep the Faith! Love ya Always my Sis πŸ™‚ #Special #Blessed

  • This year wasn't the nicest. It was more like a rollercoaster…lol After getting my diploma from unilag, I had to travel to the states few months after being admitted.. sad huh? Buh I sincerely hope my 2016 is better. I have high hopes for my 2016 and I hope it goes well. Nice make-up by the way. Also, do you have any sincere tips for improving ones social skills. As dj Khaled says.. thats a major key.. lol

  • A post or comment can't review my year in words… I don't even know how to start writing the post on my year… one word is OVERWHELMED with gratitude at God's great surprises and goodness…and see, that's more than one word..

    Love your year in retrospect… more, more, more for you in 2016 Cassie!

  • Got linked by "the black writer's blog"
    Interesting stuff you have here
    It's very entertaining, easy to read and you don't overstep or overstretch.

    The title of your write-up could more grand and hjsdsdsesddsd. You always title em basic and generic-lly. But whatever mehn…. Nice one.

    From the little I read. Mehn alotta things hits you or starts from your bed [no puns intended]

    Nice one