7 Style Lessons I’ve Learnt Over Time.


This post has been stuck in my drafts for a while now just waiting to be completed. I’ll be sharing just a few style bits/lessons I’ve picked up over time. Some I have to constantly remind myself of because though they aren’t in my “style nature”, I absolutely dig them and some I quickly inbibed into my style routine.

Let’s dig in :

1. Sometimes all you need is that one statement piece. ( Click to tweet! )

Not feeling particularly dressy or just don’t have the time to stress over what to wear but you still intend to represent small? Sometimes all you really need to do is pick out a statement piece – could be anything from your top, bottoms (skirt/pants), shoes or blazer.
This is one tip I’ve always known but it was reiterated when I attended a show with Kachi. She showed up in a really lovely beaded top by virgos lounge tucked into blue denim and still looked really good! Of course, the embellished top was the statement piece here.

2. Accessories Matter.

I’m not really one for accessories and you might have noticed this from my style posts but I know how they can make an outfit. Just see how it transformed my outfit in this post and this one.
You can spice up an outfit with the right accessories. I’m slowly beginning to take this into consideration.

3. Straight Skirts can be fun too.

I tend to only associate pencil skirts with formal environments and I have med school to thank for that, but I’m beginning to see the diverse ways a straight skirt can be styled to not look so rigid.

4. Tuck It Out!

My first instinct whenever I have separates to wear is to tuck the top into the bottom. Always! It is so bad that my mum is constantly complaining of how I’m always tucking in. This is one lesson I constantly have to remind myself of – ‘Not everytime tuck in” Tucking out sometimes gives your outfit a different vibe and is also effortlessly cool.

5. Slap some brooch on:

I guess this should go with the accessories tag but I’m giving it a header on its own because dang! I always wondered what all the fuss on brooches was about but I discovered this during my birthday shoot. The dress sort of seemed incomplete a bit – my friend gave me a brooch to try on and I could immediately see the difference.

6. Don’t be afraid to mix proportions.

Via @the_duchesss

Now this is one that I haven’t really tried much but I keep making a mental note to do more of. When I say mix proportions – I mean baggy on baggy, layering and not the usually school of thought that says we have to wear “big on top, skinny on bottom” and vice versa.

7. Never underestimate the power of a waist belt.

Re-discovered this one during my birthday shoot too. I wouldn’t have thought to wear a waist belt on my dress till my friend suggested it. Yup,she suggested both the brooch and belt addition to the look and it was an instant transformation.

Oh and here’s an extra one I learnt from my blogger boo Grace and its that panty hose is actually not such a bad idea!

I was big on this in my first year in uni but somehow I lost the flair for it, but seeing grace effortlessly incorporate it into her looks gives me some major style inspiration.

Seven great style tips and lessons every female should know.

Do you have any style tips/lessons that you’ve picked up over time? Like my thing for ‘tucking in’, do you also have any go to style quirks?
Do you agree/disagree with any of my tips?
 Share! And let’s connect.

P.SYou might like these posts too.

Not just an outfit , Its an attitude.
– Five happy things.
– Art x Style | Two of my favourite things. 
– Five tips for dressing on a lazy day. 
–  On self doubt and not feeling good enough || How I’m fighting the funk.

Author: Cassie Daves

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