Birthday Wishlist!

We all spend so much time not saying what we want, because we know we
can’t have it. And because it sounds ungracious, or ungrateful, or
disloyal, or childish, or banal… Whatever it is, say it to yourself.
The truth will set you free. Either that or it’ll get you a punch in the
nose.  – Nick Hornby

So guyssss! Its officially one month to my birthday! December 8th!!!!!
I’m not one of those people that get uber-excited about their birthdays and basically put it in your face from
like two months before the actual date. Nope! Honestly, I’ve never
really caught the “birthday excitement bug” and I couldn’t understand
what all the fuss was about.

But men and brethren, I’m here to say that this year will be
different! This year feels different and therefore this year should be
different. (I’ll prolly still not have a party- side eye to my
classmates and friends) 

No! I won’t be extreme and all but I have some cause to be even a teeny weeny bit excited about my birthday. πŸ˜€

also never done this before. Writing a “birthday wishlist”. Haha but
like I said this year has really been a defining year for me. Lots of
positive changes and growth in my life  so I might as well dump “loner,
recluse, sad ol Cassandra” and join the bandwagon of bloggers writing a
birthday wishlist.

*coughs* *shines teeth* *cracks knuckles*
I’m a very humble someborry, I don’t have anya ukwu (big eyes)

So here goes!

Accessories : Rings, chains, bangles, bracelets, scarves, earrings ( Button earrings), Bow ties. Bring it onn!!

Books : What’s my type of book? Afoma of does this book review thing on her blog and i LOVE those books.. Check it out HERE

Blogger theme: from SINCERELY LARA. She has some pretty amazing blog themes but i’ve got my eye on the “SPILLED LOVE blog theme

Camera Lens:  I’m trying to improve on my photography and I have an awesome
photographer to put me through. I just need to upgrade from my old lens 

Hats : Fedora, wide brimmed hat (You know the type Adebayo oke lawal of Orange culture rocks Yasss!!!!!) , Kente Cap

Gidimint Tees :
you guys might not know this, but I’m a low key streetwear obsessed individual.
I’m particularly obsessed with everything and anything from
GIDIMINT. The allen and fifth uni-tee speaks volumes to me. Oh
and I love iamISIGO’s the charlatan totes .

Michael Agwunobi Celine up the bitches Tee is also dope!

Shoes : Brogues, sneakers, heels, flats.(size 42/43) Yall know I’m about that life!!.

Prescription Frames: 

Techno Phantom A+: For some reason that i can’t actually place my hands on, I’ve fallen in love with this phone. I’m not a gadget freak so all those that have been trying to convince me that’s its not so good. meh, i really don’t curr

And of course, any other thing you think I’ll like will be deeply and truly appreciated! Don’t let my list box you in!
Cakes and Cards never hurt the soul .lol

all is said and written, I honestly just want “thoughtful gifts” that
will make me smile. I’m a big softie at heart even though I’m all
hardcore. Lol. 

So yurr guys, December 8th. πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

If you want to get at me or just want to send a shout out on that day, Yall know my email is open to the general public.! Hollllllaaaaa!!

Cassandra Ikegbune

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Author: Cassie Daves

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