Blogging || On Staying True To Yourself.

In the dark, you took off your life to try on someone else’s,
You cried when it did not fit.
Next time, do the right thing : Choose yourself.
         – Eloghosa Osunde | @EloOsunde.

You see a million and one quotes on ‘staying true to yourself’ out there and I really don’t think it can ever be overstated.
I’ve come to realize that as with almost everything else in life, even with blogging its easy to lose yourself.

Has anyone else noticed the recent ‘In thing’ in the “style blogging” world?
How it seems like there is a ‘how to guide’ for even the most ridiculous things that frankly doesn’t need a how to.
This is just one aspect of it, there’s also the other part where it seems like people start their blog to share their interests and then suddenly deviate into something else they know they truly aren’t interested in doing, just because that’s what they think sells currently and brings in the pageviews.
I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with change and spicing things up.
I’m just saying the reasons for this change is what matters.
Are you doing it for you/your growth or because everyone is doing it?

A while back, I noticed a particular
‘how to’ type of outfit post on my bloglovin feed and even though I knew I was probably looking for trouble, I couldn’t stop myself from immediately typing out how I felt in an email to the blogger.
I honestly wasn’t expecting a reply or a ‘mind your business’ type of reply but this blogger replied back almost immediately telling me of how she also wasn’t sure of the title, how it didn’t go with her nature and how she was just using it because that’s what everyone seemed to be doing. Then she proceeded to thank me for calling her out and that’s when it hit me that this here thing is actually a real problem.

This year especially has found me gobbling up on major foreign big blogs and if you also follow those big blogs, you’ll probably know that they are all about ‘how to’s’ and tips to increasing page views and lots of other generic posts.
I honestly would also have been influenced if I wasn’t such a lazy bum with not much energy to expend on doing things that don’t align with what I’m about.
I recently tried doing that giant square instagram feed thing because I’ve been seeing it on a lot of IG accounts lately and it looked too cool but I immediately found out that it wasn’t truly my thing so I didn’t force it.

I feel like the main problem stems from when we start looking so deeply into the blogs/lives of others, rather than spending more time getting to know and improve on ourselves.

This definitely also applies in life generally and one way I try to avoid losing myself is by staying focused on my thing and tuning out of the noise from time to time.
Also reminding myself of the reasons why I started doing the things I’m doing helps and of course trying to keep any bad vibes (such as comparism) at bay.

How do you try to stay true to yourself with your content/in life generally especially In times of changing trends?

P.S – Before I started writing this post, I spent some time going through my blog and I was so happy to realize that every single post was something that was in line with what I’m about.

Can you say the same?
Have you ever tried to change yourself/ blog focus to “fit in”?
P.P.S – I have nothing against “how to’s”, I myself have done  and will probably still do some ” how to” type of posts but I feel like most people just use it for the click bait property of it and especially for things that don’t quite need a how to

Author: Cassie Daves

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    • Hi Fisayo, thank you for reading.
      I definitely agree with you, although of course if you're changing to better yourself, that's a different ball game entirely. I always say yes to growing, improving and change as long as it still aligns with what I'm about

  • Hello Cassie,

    I applaud you, both for the meaning in this post and for staying true to yourself.

    While it is very commonsensical to use catchy titles that attracts the audience's attention, at the end of the day, the process of converting them to return readers depends largely on the sincerity and quality of the post.

    I've discovered that when the blog content reflects the writer's true passion, readers are usually able to tell, and that's what keeps them coming back for more.

    I love to sew, I love to muse, and I write about both in a witty way. I want people to love DIY sewing as much as I do. Quite simple…

    There's no need to change my blog focus to "fit in". 🙂

    Have a great week!

    • Nedu, I really don't know how you do it! I mean, the comments you leave. They are always so well thought out and written.
      Thank you! And we love your humour.

      You're right too, it definitely isn't just aboutt attracting them but also making them stay and that can only be done with quality.

  • Very good and informative post I totally agree with u i created my blog to express myself and will not follow shsts trending just for pageviews. I noticed a lot of times though like u did a blogger would post something or do a video and then ud see like ten more others doing the exact same thing. I'm like where is the originality?

    • Oh hey Ore, I think the bit about people posting the same post topics is a bit different from what I'm talking about. Lol, you have to agree that there really aren't much topics to blog about so it isn't unnatural to find people blogging about their skin care routine and all that. Its just the way they do it that matters.

      I was majorly referring to people doing these thing because others are doing it and not because they actually like It.

  • To be honest, its quite hard and very tempting to not stay true to yourself (I mean this in terms of blogging). While reading this post, I was very scared you were going to say something that would confirm my suspicions. I do try to but lately I have been very tempted. I guess trying to do the 'in thing' is probably an act desperation. I really need to look through my blog then will get back to you.

    <a href=">Mira La Belle</a>

    • Trust me, it is! Its an effort you have to make consciously.
      I even had to make it again this morning when I tried to change my newsletter emails to the type I've been receiving also.

      It doesn't matter if you do the in thing really, as long as you're doing it also because its something that fits your blog scope and your interests too.

  • Girl, you hit the nail on the head. Honestly, most of these blogs scare me cos I'm seeing different things everyday, I tried to meet up and all but my pace is much different from theirs so I just do me. Nothing like being yourself, that way you won't be exhausted. Thank you for this and have a fab week ahead.

  • This was a major issue for me, I tried to make my blog look like others and I just wasn't feeling it anymore. I closed down the old blog and started a new one with things I like. I like to write stories , a few tips and some other things that interest me. Staying true to yourself is hard sometimes, but I've learnt to be strong.

  • No truer words have been spoken.
    It can be so difficult to stay true to yourself sometimes.
    We let the irrelevant e.g likes, views etc basically overshadow our thoughts and obscure who we really are.
    This post really made me reflect.
    Thank you.
    Nigerian and Natural

  • Thanks a lot Cassie. This post came at the nick of time. I'm new in the blogging world although I've been following a couple of blogs for a while now. Some days ago I thought about this exact same thing, staying true to oneself. and I promised to not loose myself in trying to fit in. This post has further pushed me to keep my promise. I love the fact that you're so real and I also love your blog. Great post.

  • That is such a great post, I feel like some blogs (if not almost all blogs) look the same because everybody wants the view at the expense of the personality. You see a lot of blogs with great quality pictures and stuff, but not a lot of stuff that make them unique. You can be inspired by trends but not copy them and lose yourself in the process. It's true that it can be hard to really be noticed because a lot of people blog and if you don't seem to talk a lot or do certain stuff it can be harder, but just because someone with thousands followers do something and it works doesn't mean you should do that.
    I feel like I'm rambling, haha
    DeeVine Anonyme