My Updated Blogging Process For Quality Blog Posts + A Free Checklist.

pintereste graphic image for my updated blogging processIf there’s one thing I did during my blog break, it was to amp up my blogging skills and of course streamline my blogging process to get more out of my posts. Fortunately for me, I had my blogger boo Modavracha to put me through some things and also exchange knowledge and ideas with.

Related:On the importance of blogger friendships.

With my move to WordPress, I’ve come to realize that there are so many important steps in my blog post writing that I used to take for granted previously. I basically just used to write posts and put it out without considering a lot of things like optimizing for Pinterest or SEO or for even social shares. Putting all these into consideration now has definitely increased my blog post writing time but all for the greater good.

I figured it was time to write a post about my new process, share the behind the scenes of the work that goes into writing a post for people that think blogging is so easy lol and update my previous blog process post as well (You can check the previous one here to compare).

The 7 Step Blogging Process For Quality Posts That Convert + A Free Blog Post Checklist! Click To Tweet

Let’s Dig In!

Step 1  |  Brainstorm Blog Post Ideas.

blogging process, cassie daves blog planner image for brainstorming blog posts ideasThis part of my blogging process is pretty much still the same except that now instead of having a million and one notepads to jot down my random bursts of post ideas, I do all that in my blog planner. I usually like to think of the different categories I blog about and try to come with up post ideas and write them all down.

I also get inspiration from reading other blogs/sites and magazines or from just real life random conversations I pick up around or have with other people, so my blog planner goes everywhere with me (Even into the operating theater at work!) for these moments.

Step 2 |  Plan And Schedule Posts Into My Content Calendar.2017 cassie daves blog planner

This is one of my favorite parts of the whole blogging process thing and also one of my favorite part of my blog planner also because I get to see at a go the posts for the month.

So, after thinking up blog post ideas, I pull some of these ideas and add them into my monthly calendar so I know how to plan for writing each of them depending on which goes up first.

P.S – The Cassie Daves blog planner is still available for purchase in the shop here, and you get a 15% discount off when you sign up to the blog here!


Step 3 | Shooting/ Taking Pictures.blogging process. sonyA6000 flatlay with cassie daves blog planner

Having a list of posts for the month makes it easy to plan shoots as well because then I know which outfits I should shoot. I haven’t taken any pictures recently because of the time factor but I use a Sony A6000 and my canon rebel XS for most of the blog pictures. Also, for those posts that require flat lay images, sometimes I shoot them in batch and other times as the need arises.

Related: 10 Steps to creating the perfect flat lay

Step 4 |  Create Post Graphics.laptop screen showing canva

You might have noticed from my last two posts here and here, that I have started creating Pinterest specific graphics that are streamlined for my posts. I’m learning the importance of Pinterest so for every post that requires this, I usually create graphics to go with it. I use Canva to create these images and I already have a couple of templates made with my brand colors for my blog so I just switch images and words whenever I need to.

On that note, let me just beg you guys to please Pin this post so others can find it too! God bless you as you do!

Step 5 | Create Blog Post Outline.

So now, I have all these posts all mapped out and then it’s time to write a blog post (one of them to go up). This is the main area where I made most of the changes to my blogging process because now I do;

  • Keyword Research:

This is an important part of my new blogging process which I never used to put into consideration before, but since moving to WordPress and thanks to the Yoast Seo plugin, I now do keyword research for every post. This helps me to further develop on the post I’m about to write, pick out a title that would work as well.

Why is keyword research important? Because people are constantly searching for stuff online and you want to know what words they are using to search for these things and try to incorporate them into your post.

I use Google keyword planner, the Google search page itself and

  • Brainstorm For Effective Title(s)

See why my keyword research comes first? Because then I know what to include in my post title. I usually try to think up more than one title for a post and use the rest as click to tweet texts within my post.

  • Buff Up Seo

Here, I title all my images, add alt texts containing my keyword to them and also edit my meta description for the post to include the keyword as well.

Hey Bloggers, Check Out This Free 6 Point Checklist To Crafting Quality Blog Posts Every time! Click To Tweet

Step 6 |  Writing/Editing.

This is the stage where everything comes together to form the main content – keyword, graphics, pictures and all. I used to write my posts in the drafts of my blackberry because I like being able to type with an actual keypad and not a touch screen. But recently my Blackberry crashed taking with it all my drafts *sigh* so now, I just type on my laptop when I have the time or on the go with my other phone. Sometimes I get stuck, so I just write an outline of the post or the intro and then come back later to complete it. My writing process depends on the amount of time I have and how the words come to me.

Step 7 |  Publish and Shareupdated blogging process , Nigerian fashion and lifestyle blogger cassie daves looking into a phone screen

After writing the post, I go over it again to be sure everything is A-Ok! Then I hit publish and share to my mailing list, Twitter, Instagram/story (Yes!), Pin to Pinterest and then schedule to go out at other intervals during the day with Buffer.

And there you have it, My updated blogging process!

As a parting gift, I put all of these points into a downloadable pdf checklist for you to have handy and refer to whenever you’re writing a blog post. You can download the checklist right here or by clicking the image below.

What is your blogging process like? How does it differ from mine and how many minutes on an average does it take you to write one blog post?

Please comment, don’t forget to pin/share this post if you found it helpful and let’s connect!

Author: Cassie Daves

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  • I have literally the same process, haha! I really hate dealing with SEO, but I’m trying to be better because what’s the point making great content which no one ever reads? Love the idea of the checklist and I’m sure bloggers will find this post super useful! Well done; definitely shows that a lot of thought and effort goes into your blogging.

    • Righttt? That’s also why I’ve decided to take SEO seriously. It’s really a drag sha and can be annoying some times but for the greater good.
      Thanks for gassing me up Afoma, such a confidence booster for me. Thanks alot.

  • Pretty much same, Save for the graphics and SEO / Pinterest bits. Just not ready to dive into that now.

    My posts are written so much on the go! I have ideas, write them down. Try to type on the phone (way easier than sitting than with a computer – and my words seem to come more naturally this way, like I’m texting my friends!) Def helps to have some kind of structure!

    • Yupp! Typing on the phone is way easier, especially cos I like to write on the go too but now that my BB has decided to leave me hanging, I just take what I get lol
      Thanks for coming around Kachee

  • As soon as I saw the freebie opting, I smiled. Welcome to this side of the blogger life. I’m moving to self hosted first week of next month. I am so excited and I can’t wait. I’ll still.optin because who doesn’t like free stuff. I can’t wait to tweak the hell out of my blog. Kudos to you. Can’t wait to see more stuff.

  • I’m quite new to blogging but I found this quite helpful. A friend told me to start with WordPress so I’m glad I did right away. I’m focused on being consistent right now and making the time with my ‘9-9.’ I’ll pay attention to adding meta descriptions to my images and will work on Pinterest by the end of the year. Thanks for sharing!

  • Loool It’s crazy because I was drafting a post on my blogging process the other day, I didn’t even know you’d made a post like this! Man, I just went self-hosted and SEO is hectic, especially photo naming! Chai, and the way Yoast will just be shading you when you make mistakes and don’t do a step e.g. putting your keyword in your title and whatnot. I hope I can figure it all out and get used to it! Don’t even get me started on Pinterest. Lool I see you with that subscriber list building thing! Good luck, I’ll soon get there