A Day In My Life As A Doctor – My Paediatrics Posting Experience.

Housemanship in Nigeria - Medical doctor and lifestyle blogger Cassie Daves at CHERLast post in my housemanship in Nigeria chronicles! Phew.

Guys, I made it through my twelve months a slave in one piece! Ain’t God good? Looking back at my whole housemanship experience now further reiterates the fact that you can pull through whatever and no matter how long the night lasts, morning will always come.

This post is actually super late and I apologize for that. I rounded up my medical housemanship in LUTH a few months ago and this should have gone up a long time ago but I kept pushing it down the ladder in my list of things to blog about but no more!

Unfortunately, I didn’t take lots of pictures during my Paediatrics posting because it was a super busy posting but I put together a video so I hope that compensates for it!


Nigerian lifestyle blogger and medical doctor Cassie daves in Neonatal ward - housemanship in nigeriaIf you’ve been following my “housemanship chronicles”, you’ll already know that Paediatrics ( the branch of medicine that deals with children- eighteen years and below) was my last posting. I blogged about my OnG posting here, my Medicine posting here and Surgery posting here.

Paediatrics was my worst posting (followed closely by medicine) in Med school so I definitely wasn’t looking forward to working in this department. Dealing with little kids can be a bit stressful. Imagine having to pin down a 3-year-old child to obtain a blood sample and having to spend close to an hour because the child won’t stop fighting you (I got peed on once lol!) There’s also the added responsibility of dealing with the mothers too who can be a bit annoying (albeit understandably sometimes)

Thankfully though, it was my last posting so I had the chance to acclimatize to this being a doctor thing before being thrown into the Paediatrics department.Med doctor Cassandra Ikegbune at the oncology ward in LUTHpaediatrics outpatient clinic setup for drug administration

In Paediatrics, we have to also go through three units with the neonatal unit and the children emergency unit being compulsory. My first unit was hematology and oncology and it turned out to be quite emotional for me because we dealt with majorly sickle cell patients and kids with cancer. It was really heartbreaking watching them suffer, knowing that not all will end up going home totally healthy.

I had the best consultant (in my history of consultants) in this unit so it was actually a fun experience until it wasn’t (at some point our regs were switched and let’s just say the new ones were out for blood).

Paediatrics is also different from adult medicine because unlike adult medicine where most of the drugs can be given twice daily, in Paeds most of the drugs aren’t so we had to constantly go round every other hour giving drugs.

Housemanship in Nigeria - blogger Cassie Daves in CHER, LUTH Housemanship in Nigeria - Handover board in the children emergency in LUTHMy next posting was the children emergency posting which to date remains my favorite because we got to work shifts, the environment was a fast-paced one and doctors didn’t have to give the intravenous medications (best!). We worked two mornings, two afternoons, two nights and then two off days.

Although, if I’m being honest the shifts were more of a scam because handing over (to the people in the next shift) was never really as swift as it could have been and we still ended up working overtime.Medical doctor at the neonatal unit in LUTHJaundice clinic luth neonatal unit luth Table setup for lumbar puncture

My last unit was the one I dreaded and feared the most because my recollection of the posting from medical school wasn’t exactly the best.

The consultants were all women and as no-nonsense as they come. Constantly out for blood and everyone seemed scared of rounds with them (as evidenced by the hushed tones, rigid faces and whispers of “they are here”).
I remember standing for hours and having them fire questions one after the other and proceed to embarrass you if you didn’t know the answer. The good old days lol

I actually cried the day I was told I was to resume in the out-born neonatology unit (later realized it might have also been hormones from that time of the month too) but I was seriously so heartbroken. Haha

Guess what though? It turned out to not be as bad as I expected. The consultants seemed to have calmed down between the period I graduated from med school and my housemanship. It was also the only posting where the consultant actually commended me and said: “You’ve done well”.

Most of the cases we saw in the neonatology unit (for newborns – 28 days of life, although we still took in babies as old as a few months) were premature babies and babies with jaundice. I actually enjoyed being surrounded by babies, some of which I grew really attached to.

I recorded a video of “a day in my life” during my neonatology posting. I didn’t think much of it back then because I knew nothing about editing videos and figured I’ll end up discarding the videos but I actually did a pretty decent job if I do say so myself.

Please kindly watch this video of life as a junior doctor/ housemanship in Nigeria, share, leave a comment and subscribe to my channel!

 If you’re a doctor (medical) currently doing your housemanship in Nigeria or already done, I’ll love to know what hospital you’re working in and also read about your own experience so please leave me a comment. If you’re a med student too, holla in the comments!

And let’s connect!


P.P.S – Check out other posts in my med diary here. And a breakdown of some of the med life terminologies like senior registrar here

Author: Cassie Daves

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  • Lol! I know you were pretty serious but it’s so funny each time I read your med school or housemanship tales. It’s like, “Ha! Here we go again: Medical Woes” I laugh so hard “12 Months A Slave” smh 😂 Awkward as it may sound, your housemanship experience, written and shared on IG story, made me look forward to housemanship/internship in Nigeria.

    I love paediatrics; probably it has to do with the teachers in med school (we call the doctors who teach us teachers or by their first names). I was even more in love with neonatology but I totally get where you’re coming from.
    My life is s-l-o-w-l-y tilting and I hope we hit balance soon so I’m neither med student nor junior doctor right now.

    You made it through!

  • I’m so happy you got to the end of this. started from looking for a house job now we’re here!!! lol. k. I’m not a science student but I love living my doctor fantasies through this series. and I can so imagine those scary female consultants 😂


  • I really enjoyed reading this post but the photos made me a little sad at the state of Naija’s hospital. 🙁
    I don’t think I could be a pediatrician tho. Lol
    Are you certain on what specialty you’d love to settle in? I’m not sure what the process is in Nigeria tho

  • Nice post. I just graduated from UCH and this reminded me so much about school. Similar to paediatrics in UCH too. Almost dreading housejob now.

  • We seem to have similar pedo pathway.
    Pedo was my last posting during my hj. I DREADED it. But it turned out okay.
    I was also In oncology unit which ws really laid-back (aside the emotional part) compared to units like infectious or cardio.
    I loved loved my CHEW posting. We ran it too in shifts (morn, afternoon, evening)
    I developed instant tachycardia the week before I was to start SCBU.. But it ended up not being terrible and I only did a week before I had to leave for nysc.

    Looking back my worst posting during hj was internal medicine. Next to O n G.

    • Hello there! Your experience in LUTH has been both mindblowing and mind boggling especially for one like me that has got a position in LUTH and another in LASUTH. I don’t know if there is any advice on how to decide which is best. Thank you 😁😁😁

  • Being a pediatrician must be tough. My lil boy had to have an IV canular like two days after birth, and I just couldn’t imagine being the one to do that. But all the same def thankful for doctors!

    And just like that housemanship is over for you. Seems like yesterday you were just trying to get a place!


  • Hello Cassiedaves
    I can totally relate to everything you wrote on your blog post. I am currently a fifth year medical student in Istanbul and it’s been a rough patch. I have one more year which is my internship year and I can’t stop thinking about coming back to Nigeria to do the compulsory internship again. I’ve heard some horror stories😫.This been said I really love your blog and keep up the good work.

  • Am an presently an applicant for housejob.Do you av any advice for me as to how to approach my house job,that cud be of help.Thanks.Expect your reply via my email.

  • Hiii. Medical student here. So I just started clinicals and I’m currently doing my surgery posting (s1) an it’s been fun,although very stressful. I’m presently in urology,my next unit is pediatrics and nooo, .,I’m not ready lol. I also don’t get along with kids. It’s so nice to read your posts on postings(see how that came out? Lol) and struggles and understand exactly what you mean. I’m thinking i should also record this sufferhead life but I don’t have a phone to video stuff so maybe no? I guess no, love you so much too.