DIY Love Notes Envelope

My first ever DIY stuff on the blog just had to be a non fashion stuff. Haha. My first attempt at doing the DIY ripped denim left me with a deficit of one denim pant in my closet. Needless to say I’m never trying it again. No, thanks!
I already talked about my inspiration for this Love note card DIY in my last post and I was really happy with the positive feedback I got. I was a teeny weeny bit scared that it might come off as “childish” (for lack of a better word) but I’m a firm believer in the little things matter and a hand written note can never get old for me.

What You Need :
1. Cardboard 
2. Glue
4. Ruler
5. Pencil
You have to decide how small/big you want it to be. I used the back of a book to draw out mine and it had a length of 21cm and width of 14cm. After that, you cut it out.
 You”ll end up with something like this
Now you also have to figure out how you’ll like to fold it. You actually don’t need to write it down like i did. I just wanted to show you the measurements i used so that both parts can be
Pretty self explanatory right? You just cut out the sides at the top
Cut the top part into a triangle
Fold it at the sides and the middle too and apply glue to the sides
Fold it over and allow to dry
 And Voila!!
Now all that’s left is to write a note and put it into this and you can leave it where you know they can find it. 🙂
Please let me know if you’re going to try this
Have a lovely weekend guys!

Cassandra Ikegbune

Author: Cassie Daves

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