Life || Five Things I’ll Tell My Younger Self.

Writing this post, I thought of the times people have said I share too much on my blog. At first, I always tried to defend myself but you know what? That’s one of the reasons I have this blog tbh, because there’s this comfort that’s felt in knowing you’re not alone in your struggle, and your weaknesses.
This is why in between all the glam and style posts, I still try to keep it real, sharing not just my style but bits and pieces of my life and lessons I’ve learnt along the way.

Anyways, I digress.

Sometimes, I think about my dark days and I can’t help but smile at how much things have changed over the years (myself included).
If I were to tell my younger self five things I have learned along the way, they would be.

1. Happiness is a choice, Choose happy.

My teenage years were filled with so much angsts and negative emotions towards myself and life as a whole.
I was mostly depressed and I still get that way sometimes but now I’ve done a lot of growing, so whenever the dark cloud comes, I know that I can either let myself drown in it or shake it off and choose to be happy instead because really it isn’t just about saying you want to be happy, you have to actually try to be happy. Things will end, people will leave and life will still go on regardless.

2. You are enough.

I promise, you’re good enough. Never doubt this!
I know it might not feel that way sometimes but if you tell yourself you aren’t something or that you can’t ever be something, it will become true. The world will knock you down plenty, you don’t need to be doing it to yourself.

3. There is sunshine beyond the clouds.

It does get better, trust me.
I know you wouldn’t have thought it possible but a time will come when you’ll actually be happy, you’ll be so at peace that you’ll begin to fear that you’re starting to lose memories of all the bad times because what’s the use of getting through the dark if you can’t let other people know that there’s light at the end of the tunnel right?
Just hang in there and take it one day at a time, this too shall pass.

4. Be Patient, the love that is deserving will come.

For real!
See, I actually always imagined that I would end up alone and I already prepared myself for the lonely future I thought I had ahead, right down to being a single mum if it came down to it but all I really needed to do was be patient. Currently blessed with the very best!

5. Participate! Have fun!

I didn’t really participate much in secondary school. I never even took year book pictures, I didn’t go to prom or my graduation. I was such a recluse. Lol
I’ll definitely tell my younger self to try to have more fun cos there won’t be another opportunity to go to prom unfortunately

What are some things you’ll tell your younger self?
I’ll love to read them please.

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Author: Cassie Daves

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