Half Of A Yellow Sun Notes

And so it happens that as I lay sprawled on my sister’s bed, my mind
keeps revisiting words from Chimamanda’s half of a yellow sun which my
friend handed me a week ago saying ”Here, I knew you’ll love to read
it”. Of course I would. I finished the book in one day and a half.

– Love comes first and then the reasons for loving follows

– Why do you need so much outside of yourself? Why isn’t what you are enough?

This is what I know :
* Love
is unpredictable and so sometimes the fireworks and butterflies don’t come first like you imagined but rather the reasons for loving comes first,
then the love follows.

* Although you swear you’re content with who you are, sometimes you find yourself wishing you could be a little bit more free spirited, a little bit more spontaneous and that your laugh came a little bit easier but most times you are fine with who you are and even revel in it. Does this still count as a “why isn’t what you are enough” situation ?

What do you know/think?
Please Share.

Cassandra Ikegbune


Author: Cassie Daves

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    • Its very important that the first person we try to be better than is the person we were yesterday so yes to striving to be the best version of you. That's sad that they don't have it over there, I wish I can send it over to you someway but I know zilch about shipping and what not. Thanks for reading sarah

  • We love people for reasons but these reasons we may not be fully aware of until we acknowledge the fact that we do love them. I think it's like how our sub-conscious figures things out before reason finds the words to explain them.

    My favourite quote from the book:
    "This is love. A string of coincidences that gathered significance and became miracles." (Can't be true for everyone, of course)

    • Hmm that's another aspect to this whole thing and I'm currently trying to wrap my head around it. Thanks for reading and sharing your view! On the quote, that line def made me stop for a moment while reading the book and I agree with it.

  • I feel that True Love comes first … the Heart knows more and before, while the mind has to catch up! Ijs

    It's totally against human nature to be satisfied with ourselves and our stature in society … until we experience difficulty/hardships of our own … That's when I learned how to really Love and be sincerely Compassionate!

    Now when I catch myself wanting I just look back to where I was and to all those less fortunate! Brings things back into proper perspective! We can dwell on the past and Drown in it or we can learn from it! Using Reminders can be Good/Positive/Productive path to help us grow and move Forward! Please excuse the ramblings of this Crazy girl 😉

    Thanks for the deep interesting thought provoking topic Cassandra! 🙂 Have a Peaceful Day! =D

  • Well I feel love does come first then the reasons, most times we always think we got everything planned out, and know how its gonna go but when love hits , we rarely realize and until you acknowledge that yes this is love, then the reasons may start to fall into place . The reasons could have been there, but until you accept it's love ,you would be ignorant to it.

    We always strive to be better than who we are now, sometimes compare ourselves to others and sometimes go as crazy as trying to change and be someone else but at the end of the day we are who we are and trying to be better wouldn't make less of that and the day you think you are enough you stop growing and striving.

    Wow!!!! I can't remember when last I thought like this. Thanks Cassie

  • I want to see the movie first, the trailer had me asking a lot of questions. I agree with sarah, more than anything we always want to be the best we can be, which is totally okay. But we start to think we are not able to meet 'the expectations' (blurred' it becomes awful.

    That being said, It is not that we are not enough, it is the idea that we aren't or need to be more for the society that screw things up, including what we think we should be.


    • I wanted to see the movie till I read the book, now I don't think I can stand watching what my people went through during the war so I'll pass plus I heard the book is way better than the movie.
      "Its the idea that we aren't or need to be more for the society that screws things uip". Yessss!!