3 Life Lessons From Creating The Cassie Daves Blog Planner.

Early this year, I launched the Cassie Daves blog planner. If you don’t know about it already, here’s your lastma cap you can read up on all the deets here.

Creating the blog planner was a big step for me and just watching it take off has been the best part of my year so far. It didn’t come without its own hassles though, there were lots of tiresome planning and moments where I didn’t think it would work out.

The process of drafting, creating and
launching the planner was a learning experience and like I did with my catwalk class here, I thought to also share a few lessons I learned from creating the blog planner.

N.B : I’ll be including some of my favorite flat lay pictures of the planner from some of the lovely people that made a purchase. Please tag me in your flat lay pictures and check out this post if you’re not sure what a flat lay is or you’re still trying to get a hang of it.

1. Trust your gut instinct/crazy ideas and be persistent.

Pic : @berrydakara

I wouldn’t really classify the blog planner as a “crazy idea” per se because its been done before but I was unsure of how the reception will be here. When the idea/inspiration came to me, I thought that it was a good one but you know how with time, you start to doubt and wonder if it will actually work? That happened. Coupled with the various hassles that kept popping up, I almost gave up on it but thankfully I’m not one to give up on my ideas so easily.
Just in case you’re currently facing some uncertainties in completing a project you have in mind. Remember to try your best to keep the dream alive and not give up so easily.

2. Learn to protect your mind and sift out the negativity.

Pic : @ilamosi_

I had someone I told about the idea who wasn’t too sold on it and didn’t think it would work out, but thankfully I’ve grown to a level where I can listen to negativity and just smile but not truly take their words to heart. Not everyone has gotten to that level, so separate yourself from negative people that try to tell you can’t do what you set out to do.
I think there’s something about trying and knowing that you gave it your best shot, even if it doesn’t work out at the end.

I’ve also learnt that some people aren’t being negative because they are ‘haters’ or bad people, they might just actually see things that way.
So while I wouldn’t say to do away with everyone, I’ll say that you should know who and who to approach with your ideas.
One person I always like to bounce my ideas off is Kachi, because she never fails to give me positive vibes. Also thankful for Mary, Berry, Wumi and Dara – my graphics guy for the vote of confidence. Thank you!

3. Dream Big.

Pic : @t2pitchy 

This one is something I’m constantly working on and trying to be better at.
When I initially started putting together the planner, I kept telling myself that if only twenty people buy, I’ll be good. Haha but thankfully God didn’t listen to my small way of thinking and the results so far have been amazing! Everything worked out beyond my expectations.
We sometimes attract what we get because of our mindset. I’m trying to attract bigger things in my life by dreaming bigger.

I found this quote by Steve Jobs last night and also thought to include it :

“Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other opinions drown your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know whatyou truly want to become”

Pic : @larissa0

I’m sharing this as much for myself, as for anyone else out there who might be needing an extra push to go after their dreams.
I’m currently working on a new project and trying to transition into a new phase and I found myself battling with some doubts and wondering if it would all work out well, so I just had to write these down as a sort of reminder to myself. If it helps anyone else, that will be an added bonus.

P.S : Please follow the blog planner page on instagram : @cassiedavesblogplanner
You can also read some of the reviews from other bloggers HERE , follow the conversation with the #cassiedavesblogplanner and get a look into the behind the scene process HERE

P.P.S : You can cop yours HERE , or just send me a mail : sandyva06@yahoo.com

P.P.P.S : Berry is giving away a planner on her blog! Go check it out here for a chance to win

Are there any lessons or quotes you’ve learnt lately as regards to ‘doing’ and going after your dreams? Please share!
Also let’s connect :

Author: Cassie Daves

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  • (sigh of relief) I actually tagged this the month of consistency for myself in line with "our" blog planners quote of the month… Really things aren't as easy as we expect them to be sometimes… You imagine a chain reaction sequence and then find out that you have to drag the individual chains by yourself mehn… I am learning the habit of positivity and picking the didactic from every situation regardless of how difficult that may be and this post is very helpful, thanks for sharing.

  • Hey hon, thanks for the lovely messages you left on my blog. I am not actually in Lagos at the moment, I am back in Berlin. Would have been fab to see you! Its great your blog planner is working out so well for you. Really liking your flat lays by the way! Have a fruitful week! (:

  • This post is so inspiring, i'm so glad you shared your experience with us this is just the kinda motivation I need right now. I'm also happy my flatlay pic was featured in your post. Thanks Cassie

  • Congrats Cassie, Congrats on everything. This is my first time actually commenting here though I hide behind the scenes most days. Yea, there's a saying that we really do not realize how strong we are till we are placed in certain situations where we have no choice but to be strong. Somedays I find it hard to believe in myself too and God is teaching me to believe Him in me, hence my greatest desire is to be led by Him so that it makes the journey easier to bear and He's there urging me to move on when I think I can't. I think this happens depending on each phase of our lives. When you're left on your own, the question will become, 'what is your anchor? Who do you lean to for strength?

    Yea, sifting out the negativity too is not easy but is possible. Advice is good, but what keeps me going is who is leading me in the first place? Who's going to be there to hold me when I'm by myself trying to stay afloat? My eyes on Jesus or someone else? That keeps me going. I think I've gone through so many life lessons that I've learned to put all my eggs in God's basket and still learning to. And so when people may think I'm doing something crazy, or I even doubt myself, I remember who is leading me first and what He has told me personally, and I know everything is going to be alright.
    Sorry for the long epistle. lol. Cheers to celebrating beautiful things on your blog and in your life. Much love. xo!

  • You're so amazing. Been following you for a long time now. Thank you sooo much for this motivation!! I've had two ideas i always wanted to actually work on but one hour into thinking about it, I get so worried and worked up about all the downsides. But thank you so much for the inspiration. I'm going to get up and start working and believing and setting bigger goals as well.

  • Being careful of who to share your ideas with is definitely important! People are entitled to their opinion, but once you know how big your dreams are, don't be intimidated by those who think otherwise.

    Valuable lessons 🙂

  • Beautiful post!
    While some people are working on how to dream big, I do that alot, that has been my zone to relish things I aim to become/establish/inspire but I feel like I'm not a realist… I fantasize alot cos I tend to zone out into uplifitng and beautiful thoughts when I hit a wall in my projects, I'm down or really sad. It helps me visualize what I'll become which gives me the vibe I need to carry on.
    I was planning on cutting coat according to my coat. Glad I found this!
    P S. If you're a music lover follow @farrrfromusual on IG, I do a semi music blogging. I just started but I hope you like it.
    Thank you Cassie, for this platform. Xo

  • Hi Cassie, I luv your blog, your posts and I like the fact that "You know your onions"😊… In some way, you have inspired me.
    I keep toying with my ideas and this year I promised to have more confidence, network and grow like I should.
    Thank you C.D!!!

  • Glad you followed your instincts because you’ve made a really successful tool! Can’t wait to get mine sef LOL. I also really need this post as I’m working on something & I can relate to the small dreams part because I realize that I get scared whenever I dream very big so I try to settle for something smaller. Thank God for coming through because I have been receiving His Grace so far so yes to dreaming BIG!. Also having a positive mind is key & I need to work on not taking the negatives to heart. Congratulations Cassie!