Blogging || Five Ways You Are Sabotaging Your Blog.

If there’s one thing I absolutely love doing is helping new bloggers (and already existing bloggers too) find their ground in the blogosphere.
Its a sort of obsession for me and I’m always eager to offer help in reviewing blogs every now and then and point out places that need to be worked on.

You know that itch when you see something that has so much potential  but just need a few directions to come to life and you just want to walk in there and let them know? That’s legit how I feel going through blogs. So, I thought to share five  common mistakes I’ve noticed from reading and reviewing blogs that might be inhibiting your blog from growing.

Let’s Dig In.

1. Having a cluttered blog design and a non responsive blog theme :

I was guilty of this one (the non responsive theme) for soo long! But I knew about it and was working towards changing my theme. 
Your blog design is the first thing someone notices and it can help decide if someone sticks around to actually go through your content.  I come across some blogs and just close them immediately because they don’t have a responsive theme but instead they have their full web view show on mobile and it is just too bulky or they have zero white space and lots of colors going on. 

A responsive blog theme is basically a theme that adapts to fit whatever device someone is using to view your blog – or in simpler terms : all your sidebar widgets should be able to be seen in mobile view also. Its not only SEO friendly but makes it easy for a reader to spend more time on your site because they get to find more posts easier. 

I find that most people just don’t know where to get themes from or how it all works. Well, its pretty easy. You can just google “responsive blog theme for blogger or wordpress” .
I talked a bit about this in my post on starting a blog here 

2. Not having visible share and follow buttons.  

I find it quite upsetting when I see a blog I like but just can’t for the life of me figure out where their follow buttons are! Especially the bloglovin follow button.  
Everyone now is having a “subscribe via mail widget and even pop up subscribe tabs” but no bloglovin or GFC. Not everyone wants to commit immediately to following you via email, so I advice you hop on to bloglovin also and make your follow and social buttons very visible. 
I always place all my social/follow links at the end of each post as well as the ones at my sidebar too. 

3. Blogging about too many things : 

A.K.A not having a niche. If your blog is all over the place – gossip today, style tomorrow, Music next week – then it might be a bit confusing to people reading it. I wouldn’t say you should box yourself in, but at least limit how “all over the place” you are. 

4. Not Being Consistent : 

I think the consistency thing is quite obvious how helpful it can be -not just for your traffic but also with building trust with your readers. 
Its easy for people to forget blogs if everytime they come to check, there is no new post up. Especially if there is a very long stretch between your posts.  
Not just being consistent with your posts but with your aesthetic too. 
creating a website, posting great content, and then forgetting / losing motivation / getting distracted. 
I have a post in the works on how to be more consistent but I’ll also advice that you get  blog planner to help you plan better. Luckily for you, I have made just the right planner for you HERE.  It not only helps you stay consistent by planning ahead and in an organized manner but it also has blog post ideas for your inspiration, a social media plan for promoting your posts and a page to brainstorm your blog manifesto.

5. Trying to be like everyone else / do what everyone else is doing : 

You’re cramming in style posts because you think that’s what sells and what everyone enjoys reading, though you know that you’re not so versed in the style thing. 
I’ve had some people complain to me that they don’t think people want to read blogs about life/fiction and that’s why their blog isn’t growing – so they think switching to also being a style blogger might help them. 
Trust me, that isn’t true. Regardless of what your niche is, people will read it if you make it interesting and useful also. Find your voice and what works for you also.


If you’ll like me to check out your blog and do a review of your site. You can now get your blog reviewed! Full details HERE
If you would love to dive even deeper with me and take your blog to the next level. You can book a blog consultation with me HERE.


Do you have any other things to add to this post? Please share with us, as I’m always open to learning more too.
I hope you found this post helpful also.
As always, let’s connect!

Author: Cassie Daves

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