My Blogging Process

Inspired by Kristabel, I decided to share my blogging process right from sourcing for inspiration, developing on it, taking pictures to the final posting.
Things around here are definitely beginning to take more shape and have more definition than back when I started although not as highly organized as it can get because I see so many blogging apps and gadgets and i’m like Kermit, sipping my tea and just observing. lol. It has gotten a bit deeper to be honest, its like a child that i’m in charge of and consistently have to keep feeding and helping grow.


These days my blog is never too far from my head, I’m constantly thinking of the next post or some changes to make. Most of my posts come from 4am reflections and personal/life relations like that post on settling and never second guessing your style/self because of other’s opinions, because of that I have my jotter and you can find me scribbling insanely into it whenever jolts of idea pops into my head. I definitely endorse getting a book for your blog. I also get ideas from the instagram, my environment ( trust me, there’s inspiration to be gotten everywhere if only you open your eyes and ears), talks with people and reading other blogs, I’m an avid blog reader. Lol. I read all types from fashion to life to even mummy blogs, but these days life and school seems to be taking up much of my free time and that has reduced greatly. At the moment I have a long list of post ideas that I’m slowly working my way through and thanks to mide coker I’m thinking of adding reviews (places, services etc) to my blog.

: Now I’m a bit more organized and I’ve evolved since I first wrote
this post. I got tired of having my jottings everywhere and getting confused, so I make use of my blog planner to help simplify the whole process.


There’s still a major deficit in this department, I mostly just go with the flow ( I don’t have a layed out scheme) because sometimes I plan outfits with the aim of taking blog pictures but then I don’t find a photographer that day *sucks*. I try to make a list (mostly mental list) of what type of post should go up when so that I don’t have similar posts too close together. I’ve noticed people prefer my outfit posts so i try to break random/life posts with  fashion inspiration/outfit posts.

: Thanks to my blog planner , the deficit i mentioned in this area is no more. I plan posts and even looks to shoot.


I use a canon rebel xs which I still haven’t mastered after two years shamefully, so most of my pictures are shot in automatic (I’m currently learning how to shoot in manual mode though). Finding people to help me take pictures and also finding a good location is a major problem. My classmates or anyone I can cajole into helping me take pictures play photographer for the day but of late I’ve been employing (well not really) the services of a proper photographer –seyifunmi and you may have noticed the change in my pictures of recent. When I’m at home, I’m stuck because my sister doesn’t really  and that’s after her grumbling and me pleading. Oh the struggle.
I’m more of a shoot and go person, definitely not a perfectionist when it comes to taking pictures.  If I get four/five great shots I call it a day. I’ve stopped bothering about how sleepy my eyes appear sometimes or my forehead reflecting the sun. On rare occasions I use my techno F7 like in old school vibe when I didn’t come out with my camera and I suddenly decide that my outfit is actually bloggable. The picture quality isn’t anything though

Related : How to take good blog photos with your phone


Might come as a shocker but till date I haven’t figured out photoshop so I use the outdated but still extremely useful picasa to edit my pictures. I really don’t do much to them, just the basic crop, making a collage, saturate and of course water mark.


I write most of my posts in the memo pad of my blackberry, and then email it to myself on my other phone which I use to do most of my blogging these days. The writing takes most of my time especially when it comes to personal posts, It can take me days to weeks to complete them. I usually just start it in my memo pad however it comes. Its a mess at the beginning phase so I just leave it that way to revisit later when I find the right words to complete it and this is mostly at night when I’m all done with reading my books and I’m laying in bed. For the outfit posts, its a bit easier although I have days when I’m so tired and brain fagged that I just want to upload pictures, drop a line or two and dissapear.
Again, sometimes a starting line might come into my head randomly during the day. I jott that down and start to build from there, it usually gets easier once I start. Thinking up titles takes up additional time


I hardly use a laptop anymore, i use the laptop mainly for editing and on those rare days when my mum pays for the wifi. lol. These days I use my techno F7 and mobile data to do my blogging, its a bit time consuming and tiring to be honest, waiting for pictures to upload and sometimes and i have to write everything from the scratch (typing with touch screen is so annoying).

Thats about it!
What’s your blogging process like? Please share, leave me your links and let’s connect!


Author: Cassie Daves

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