My Top 7 Embarrassing moments

N.B- Before reading this you must agree to share one of your own embarrassing moments in the comment box, if you read this and don’t. Ehrr nothing will happen but God is watching you in 3D. 

And YES! I’m watching you too!

Mostly Because I’m bored as hell right now and because I never take myself too seriously I decided to share some of my top embarrassing moments which thankfully I can look back at now and laugh over. 
So here goes :

1. When I tripped on the runway during a show : This has to be the top on my list. Geez! So it was during the Wed Expo 2012 exhibition and they got some bridal designers to showcase. I was wearing this long wedding gown by Mai Atafo and I got on to the runway, did my walk. Got to the end, struck a pose then to turn back was wahala, I stepped on the gown in the process and I stumbled a bit. No I didn’t fall all the way but I stumbled and it was really embarrassing because there was a big screen TV backstage where the models and the designers were watching the show from. But hey look the picture still came out nice

2: The Fly Away Skirt : I have this black skater skirt which is made of the lightest material ever. Whenever I wear it, I have to be really careful that it doesn’t fly up. So on this faithful day, I was heading back home and some dudes were on the opposite side of the road stealing glances at me prolly feeling my swag and all when the gbese happened!. That’s how one mighty gust of wind came and blew my skirt up. Like it took it all the way up and the guys were just laughing at me. I heard someone say ‘hold your skirt oh’. I just dragged my skirt down and ran away quickly.

 If i had looked even remotely as hot as this when it happened, i probably wouldn’t even have been bothered

3.Okay this one happened recently (On Saturday actually). It was really embarrassing even though I just laugh about it now but anyone I narrate the story to first of all looks at me in horror and then doubles over in laughter. I got bit by a rat while climbing up the stairs in hostel and I was actually bleeding!  But that’s not even the embarrassing part here. I ran into my room screaming and shedding hot tears, I was actually crying like a baby.  After I calmed down I was just super embarrassed because my roommate got to see me all broken down and fragile. She laughed about it and then told the House officers(Young Doctors) on duty and i happened to know one of them and they all laughed at me.

Thankfully, i look wayyyy better than Kim K does when crying! -____-

4.The Gutter incident : This story I can’t remember quite well but my elder sister swears on her life that it happened and she still taunts me with it every now and then. Apparently I was walking home from church with my siblings when I fell into the gutter and landed with a big thud. I can only imagine how embarrassing it would have been if till now it still gets them laughing *sigh*

5. Sometime ago(actually last 2 years),  I went over to chill cancel read in the hostel of this guy I really liked (because its quiet and there was light. Heck, why am I explaining myself to you guys). Moving on, somehow I slept off (you see I was really reading, that’s the only time I can sleep off unknowingly). When I woke up and saw him sitting at the other end, i was super embarrassed! Why? Because I know I don’t look exactly like a princess when I sleep. I know this because my siblings do this super annoying thing where they take pictures of me asleep. This is how I look most times 

I look something like this, totally unsexy!

So dear boys that keep telling me I can’t wait to watch you fall asleep *Coughs*

6. One time I went to the movies with my cousin and aunt and midway into the movie, I decided to use the restroom. So I got up to leave and I dunno why but I rushed off and took the wrong exit (the emergency exit) and I stood there for a little while trying to figure out why it didn’t lead out of the movie theater  Well, I finally figured out and changed direction but I felt so stupid and embarrassed. I could just imagine the other people in the theater watching me and shaking their head. 

7. Most of you already know that I’m bespectacled. Yup I use glasses and my eyesight is really horrible. So one day I decided to walk around in school without my glasses because I wanted to show off my cat winged eye makeup. Smh! And I was really cat-walking when I hit my face smack on a wire gate like thing.  I didn’t even see it!! I just U-turned and walked away like nothing happened 

I think i’ve had my own share of embarrassing moments although i’m sure its not nearly as bad as some of the stories you guys have. So please shareeeeeeeee! Remember your promise at the beginning of the post? 😉 😉

Cassandra Ikegbune

Author: Cassie Daves

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  • I love your blog… now a fan.
    My most embarrassing moment would be the fly away 'dress' and it happened on the most busy road in Calabar. I was particularly struggling to keep it down while struggling to enter a cab. Jeez it was totally embarrassing.

  • I know it's horrible to laugh at someones misfortunes but ahaha you've made my night!
    As for my embarrassing moment, I had this thing for someone older than me and whilst we were all sleeping (bridal party watched a movie the night before) I 'apparently' was saying his name in my sleep… I refused to talk to anyone the whole wedding ://


  • Hmmm! Mine was when I was so sure about the ending of a movie,I told everybody watching the movie with me how its going end only for the movie to end differently (not the same movie) its was very embarassing. #my credibility was onLine lol.

    • lol. I'm sure you Just covered your face in shame. That's why I try to refrain from predicting the end of movies but then again I'm pretty much a badass so my predictions usually happen that way *puts on cool shades*

  • Mehn No. 2 happened to me ooo. It was more than embarrassing I wanted to disappear. It happened in the middle of the road (lekki abi ajah) right in front of megachicken. I can never forget that day, there was a bit of traffic n I was trying to cross the main road when i had the unfortunate Marilyn Monroe moment. It happened almost 2 years ago and I've still not recovered from it. The whole world saw my underwear! gosh

  • Mine was d day a chyker whom av bin rejecting gave me a lift down the road and this mighty cough came, it was so severe as if I hav tb drawing tears from my eyes, OMG av never been that embarrased*

  • Okay..I have some really embarrassing moments…Le Worst- This happened years ago but still mortifying when I remember…went to the beach with my closest friends at the time(male) and we're sitting at the shoreline with our feets really buried in the sand and just generally having a good time when this gigantic wave comes and everyone scattered..I remained forming all Badoo Lee swimmer forgetting I'm actually paper weight and twas the blipping Atlantic ocean and was in the water of that beach before anyone could say Jack Robinson, I was crazy scared and just was struggling to keep afloat before I got saved (near-death experience too) . Of course I came out with sand everywhere, my weave was destroyed and I even ended up cutting my hair sef..And after everyone calmed down, my friends laughed ehn, they still talked about it years after.
    My most recent most embarrassing moment *sigh* *covers face* From the last experience, I've got this irrational fear of water that's taller than I can't even find the courage to stay afloat in water sef *hot tears* So I went to a pool with some dudes from school wearing a 2 piece, and was all away from the water but everyone was having more fun than me and I actually love the feel of water on my skin, so I talked myself into using the water slide and I landed on my bum at the bottom of the pool..twas the shallow end oo and I'm taller than it, I lost all coherent thought and just started acting like I was drowning again…came out of the water after I found reason and just went to chill by the pool, didn't enter the water after that, couldn't leave cos it'd have been even more embarrassing *covers face*
    Anyway I'm going to learn to conquer the fear and enjoy water again sha, can't let something like that hold me back, what if I'm the one in the position to save someone from drowning nkoor. Life is too short. Longest comment ever- Chronicles of a niggress's fear of water.

  • Hey Cassie! Lol your embarassing moments are -__-. Anyway lemme see, I also had the flyaway skirt experience. I was walking down that hallway that leads to class around labour ward and bam!!some crazy wind decided to help me re-arrange my skirt -_-. The reason this is embarassing is cuz I was surrounded by doctors, house officers, students, everybody!!!! I will never wear that skirt again.

    There's also this time I texted one of our lecturers to remind him of his class the next day. And after putting this is the group rep…blah blah…I shelled. ( ._.). I blame auto correct. I'm sure he must have been wondering what type of rep I was.

    there's also the time when I was walking around at a wedding reception with my long dress, high heels and the uneven ground. I was feeling like a hot pro with my heels while everyone had changed to flats till I stumbled twice and almost fell. My mum's friend then signaled to me from a distance to go and change to flats. The horror!!:(…everyone was now looking at me funny

    Oh did I mention I fell down at the altar in church one sunday!!!!:D

  • Ooh I just remembered one. I went to gtb to do something. I entered the bank looking all corporate and I saw people staring in a good way. I was feeling really good plus I just made my hair. I did what I wanted to do at the bank and then it was time to leave. I pressed the button to leave but I didn't realize that the green walk sign had to come up( gtb's door is different). Anyway I just carried myself and entered anyway and the door almost crushed me. All those people that were looking at me before were probably laughing….I did not look back! Curse you complex doors!!!*shakes fists*

  • Yup, forgot one too- wire smacked my face once too, twas a somewhat new fixture and twas dark- didn't expect it and I just walked right into it…twas funny sha

  • Lmao,laughing out loud.mine was worst *crying* went for an award night,I was wearin a tube skater gown,lookin all sexy.abt 200ppl were on d queue,nd I feel,inside d gutter cos my heels were too high nd some1 pushed me.all my legs were peeled.mehn, I didn't get out of d gutter till after 30mins,even after many persuassion.was really make it worst,my frnds nd d person dt pushed me were really laughing

  • OMG! rat??! Ye! 😮 That's just so depressing! I cry with you gurl! LOL. I honestly have no embarrasing moments :s ..Honestly, I can't even think of one LOL… I need to leave my house more (>_>)…As usual, loving the post! 😉 xx

  • Hi, Cassie…. Since I said Hello today( at the mall), I can as well comment for the first time.. Your blog is different and I love different, Inaddition, damn!!!! You are taaalll!!.. Anyways, it was nice meeting you!

  • Mine happened a long time ago, I fell inside the a very dirty gutter. Cleaned up, took a bus home. Wasn't comfortable because I thought I was stinking, couldn't wait to get to my stop.

  • Mine was reali embrassing . Got sent to buy fufu by my mom . It was a walkin distance but decided to hop on a bike *okada* which was been ridden by an aboki . After buyin the fufu n puttin it in my bag . Jump on the bike n poof we were on the floor with my fufu all rollin about on the road . Ave never been so embrassed . A man actually came and handed it to me *take ur fufu madam* omg I was soo dumbfolded . Worst day ever

  • Havent read any comment that beats my most embarrassing moment of al time. I was in js1 and it was just after close of school. My friends and I went to play soccer to kill time till they came for us (buty kid). Anyway we had played for sometime, some of my friends that started playing with us had gone home and thats when I realised I had to blast! (OMG!). From the field to the school building was like 5mins and I was so sure I wouldnt make it (damn!) And there were no mobile toilets or whatever around. The only option was the gutter. I was like HELL NO! But that one na story. Ended up blasting on my self then going to the gutter (for what now sigh). Thats how I stayed there till the driver came and had to give me his shirt so I could walk pass the remaining students in school as my shorts were full of you know what. Sigh. The only gud thing is half the school were already home or in the hostels.

  • 1st comment on ur blog. *big grin*. Mine was on mile2 expressway while trying 2 cross d express. Dressed in my short dress on my way 2 visit my den bf(now hubby*wink*) when dis trailer decided 2 pass after I had crossed and blew dis amazing breeze dat lifted my dress. Kai! Showing my pink panties. D stupid trailer guys stopped 2 laff. Chei! Dat I shall neva 4gt. Iphy

  • My most embarrasing moment has 2 b sometime early dis year my skool required us 2 go some sorta registration @ d skool auditorium, gettn dere d crowd was maaadd, i spotted 1 of ma "b4 b4 male friend" now turned school employee, i felt i had found my saving grace, i'd jus walk up to him nd he'd help me get evrything done without actually staying in d super long queue, i boasted 2 my friends sef dt my own is settled, hehehehe, come nd see me walking majestically 2 go meet dis "b4 b4 frnd", bypassing d queue, wen i had majestically walked 2 d front of the line, dts wen dis "b4 b4 frnd" knew he was gonna relocate 2 God knows wher, well i followed, out of nowhere some of d oda school officials stopped me nd asked wher i tot i was balling to, dey started yelling at me "leave him alone, he's a married man, all dese yeye girls" lawd, i was @ d front of d super big hall, in clear view of evry single person present,seed stares i got! Pheeew!!!!! i honsetly wanted to disappear, my friends i had earlier boasted to, still laff @ me till dis day, nxt time i wont follow shortcut

  • Mine has to be one time I went to ze pool with my friends. I don't know how to swim but my friends wouldn't hear any of that so I went. All was well as I watched them from a distance and took pictures of hot bikini bods including mine -_- I later decided to go in at least to the shallowest part cos the weather was really hot. As I stepped in, I slipped and fell and everyone was watching (or so I felt) but it was really embarrassing.
    There was another time during my IT, I had some pain in my tummy which was caused by a developing ulcer (I had no idea until the doctor told me which was after this event). I had almost reached my estate gate when I started feeling nauseous. I tried so hard to keep it in until I at least got to work as my office then was a trekkable distance. Immediately I got to the gate, it just came and I saw myself throwing up on myself and people were staring. And Nigerians almost always think that when a young girl starts throwing up she's pregnant, thanks to nollywood. So the stares I got weren't even pity stares, more like "thats-what-you-get-for-getting-yourself-knocked-up" stares. I had to 'woman' up and walk to the closest store to get water to wash up 🙁

  • Lolz!
    Mine was sometime last year I finally got a chance to meet this guy I had been crushing on for ages. After my friend (the middle man) introduced us, my crush then asked why I wanted to meet him (cause my big-mouthed friend told him right in my very before that I wanted to meet him :O)… And all I could say is "cause I just told this big head that I have a crush on you"… I mean what kind of response is that of all things to say?!

  • Lmao!!! So many amazingly embarrassing moments in my life. I dunno if it comes with being tall. x_x
    Annyway, my story, I was in js1 and started getting really tall and awkward. We were on the school farm(part of agricultural science I suppose), I had a crush and as I was trying to pass by him between two of the planting beds, I fell. x_x
    The whole class was laughing at me. Including my crush, who coincidentally caused the fall. Aaaand the teacher. Amazing embarrassment.

  • So in love with ur blog, mine wuz d day I went 2 shoprite,after gettn everytin I needed went 2 d counter 2 pay so as I wuz droppn everytin I bought on d counter sumtin fell of as I bent 2 pik it up,I totally forgot dat my top wuz d free typ n I alwaz put handkerchief in my bra 2 boost d size of my breast cause itz rili small,so as I bent d handkerchief fell of wuz hopn no 1 saw it untill a guy came over n said ur handkerchief jst fell off n he winkd 2 top it all wuz so embarassd bt ave stopd dat habit naw dat wuz a long tym ago sha

  • oh my
    i probably had the worst of anyone

    (is scared of telling)
    I'd rather keep it a secret.

    My evil enemy said he tell me a secret. Guess what the little female dog did?
    when i crouched down he slapped the F out of me
    All I can do is hope he will fall off a cliff or something

  • Ugh can't believe I'm dropping this…but I'm Anonymous..yaaay! Lol
    Okay, so I went for my ex's sister's wedding (had a not-so-good day earlier in the day sef), looking all fine and what not. Even wore my most comfortable heels; as in I can rock(danceee), run and do exercises (maybe not exercises like that sha, but those other two – certain.) in that heels.
    Of course I didn't go alone, I went with a friend and all.
    That's how we were about to enter then I turned to my friend to give her her invitation card (invitation card we did not use sef)… I was still walking, not knowing there was some obstruction of some sort … GBAM! I fell! 🙁 … and some of the ex's family members were there too! :'(
    Lol but really, I survived that day! *whew* 😀

  • True Story …

    I was walking by a crowded Metro stop wearing a wig on my way back from lunch and it started to just pour buckets of rain, as i rushed to open my umbrella it caught my wig, pulled it off, wind blew it onto the curb and a currant of water washed right down the gutter! Have no idea how many seen what happened but you;ve never seen a black girls face turn so red …

    I've noticed gutter seems to be recurring theme …

    Stay Safe, Well and Have an Exceptional Day Sis 🙂 peace

  • LOL!😆 those are some major embarrassing moments but as per the promise at the beginning😉
    I actually have a LOT of embarassing moments and most of them stem from the fact that I'm petite, so I don't even know the one to tell you.
    One day when I was in school I was at the car park waiting for a cab and there's usually this long queue of students like almost everybody in the school and that was when this girl spotted me and shouted "this one too is a student?" In Yoruba o and that was when everybody turned and looked at me, I really wanted to just enter the ground but the badass that I am just made me give people the death stare until they looked away. Deep down I was very very embarrassed believe me.
    You can check out more of them on my blog under "That awkward moment"

  • Mine was also a gutter experience. I was walking back from school (Elementary school) with my brother and it had just rained. So I was about to cross the gutter and it this slippery tree trunk over it and half way through, I fell and was covered in thick mud.
    I wouldn't mind you following me on Twitter @Ujarh_.