Seven Ways Blogging Has Changed Me For The Better.

I started this blog back in 2013, not quite sure of what direction I was going with it and what I hoped to do with it. For me, it was just another hub to chronicle the things I love but it has grown into so much more and Its been such a thrill journey.
Two years plus later, lots of changes and learning, I can say right now that my blog is one of the best things that has happened to me in so so many ways! And that’s what I’ll be sharing today

Here are seven ways blogging has changed my life for the better :

1. Community :

Meeting and connecting with all you wonderful people and fellow creatives that I’m forever learning and drawing inspiration from. Sure there’s the fact that I was also in the modelling industry and I already knew some people but blogging opened me up to a whole lot more and also helped cement some connections.

2. Social Life :
I’ve become more sociable thanks to blogging. It encouraged me to make more of an effort to go out, mix and meet people. I’m also so much better at networking for it because networking is one thing I can’t do away with regardless of what field I’m in anyways. Yesterday, I went to a vlisco event and I noticed (gave myself kuddos for too) how well I was flowing with some of the people I just met. Haha! I’m slowly mastering this thing. (Blogged about how to master this networking thing here)

3. Improvement :
In the sense of being able to acquire new skills and knowledge. I’ve been able to learn new skills because of this little ol’ blog of mine just so I can try and up my game. Skills I probably wouldn’t have bothered about otherwise : Photography, currently learning graphics and also trying to pick up some basics of coding. Blogging opened my eyes to these things and I’ve also amassed some knowledge in so many other things like seo, branding, social media, etc and still learning new things everyday!

4. Platform :

Not only has it opened me up to so many opportunities, working with all these brands both big and small that I probably wouldn’t have worked with by just being a medical student.
I’ve also been able to grow my name and myself as a brand so that if I decide to start up something now, I already have a sort of edge and that in itself is priceless.

5. It has helped me discover some of my potentials/Creative side :

There are some projects I have in the works and things I can do as a side hustle that I probably would never have thought about if I hadn’t started this blog. For example, my blog planners that I created recently! It’s a perfect tool for bloggers and content creators, check on it HERE.

6. Life Lessons : 

Blogging has thought me some valuable life lessons too that has helped me evolve as a person. Lessons that I’ve learnt both through some of the negative things that come with being in the blogosphere and also introspecting with some of my musings I put up.

Lessons like :

– How comparison is the thief of joy.
– On patience and trusting the process.
– Like how I really can’t win with everyone and to quit trying to.
– On knowing my worth and not letting people dictate it for me.
– Like not letting the fact that I’m not appreciated in a certain way I think I should, stop me from putting in work.

7. Figure out my style!

Lastly but not the least, it helped me refine my style. It wasn’t till I started blogging that I really started experimenting more with fashion and trying to figure out where my style falls in. Now I can confidently answer the “how would you describe your style” question without thinking so much about it. I talked about my “style journey” in this post and also shared some tips for people trying to figure theirs out. If you call in that category, you should totally check out that post.

On the side, it has also helped me realize the value of commitment, consistency and putting in work. I carry my little book everywhere, jotting down ideas and organizing my thoughts. I now see inspiration everywhere and beauty in the oddest places. I’m forever seeking out shoot locations and you can find me randomly screaming “hey that wall will be perfect for some blog shots”!

How about you? How has blogging changed/helped you? What are some things it has taught you? Please do share and lets connect!

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Author: Cassie Daves

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  • No.7 is totally me,I can relate so well infact I just spent an hour taking different shots for a post.Your blog totally rocks. A post you did on flat surfaces reignited my love for photography.Its almost an obsession now lol.
    Blogging has helped me discover my creative side. I have also become much more outspoken than my former self. Congrats love more blog years to come

    The Lazy Bloggers Guide to SEO 

  • No.7 is totally me,I can relate so well infact I just spent an hour taking different shots for a post.Your blog totally rocks. A post you did on flat surfaces reignited my love for photography.Its almost an obsession now lol.
    Blogging has helped me discover my creative side. I have also become much more outspoken than my former self. Congrats love more blog years to come

    The Lazy Bloggers Guide to SEO

  • I have a post like this scheduled for the new week [Great minds 😊 ]

    Although I wrote more on life lessons

    No 3 is it for me! Blogging has helped me improve and get better on a lot of skills it has also helped me improve my creativity.

    Great post!

  • Hello Cassie,

    Wonderful post! Last week, I was telling my friend how much I was enjoy my blogging experience.

    It's an outlet for my thoughts, a way to get out the words waltzing around my head. It's a channel for self-improvement, I know that I have an audience that appreciates the quality of my prose and I do my best to express myself articulately.

    I agree with you, blogging has made me more sociable, I have built "Virtual friendships" with like-minded people.

    Most importantly, blogging has helped the flow of my creative juices, I am inspired to improve my sewing techniques, and hope that my projects will inspire someone else to try out DIY sewing.

    Have a lovely week 🙂

    • So true!
      Buh we all have to know that the people we are comparing with started somewhere and we are getting there.(It's a process)
      I am so glad we are all getting it right and not getting caught up comparing.

  • Wow. I guess I now feel like I didn't really open up on my post.

    Honestly, I started my blog knowing I wanted to be a fashion writer. But it's much better than that. True, my photography obsession started with my blog, I also carry my blog notebook but I have a lot to learn on choosing locations. I haven't worked with any brands yet and I still can't describe my style(it's always evolving but I guess due to the blog, I can now say it's quirky).

    I have learnt a lot and most importantly, discipline. Blogging is not easy as some people will think but I'm loving every minute of it. There was a drawback in which something happened that set me back in April I think but I'm back and actually excited.

  • I've been reading your blog since 2013 and I can testify to some of these especially the consistency part! And you're picking up basic coding? I'm a computer science graduate but if I never write a line of code again it'll be too soon. Lol..

  • I agree with you, mostly with comparison. Sadly we all find ourselves comparing between ourselves and other bloggers because, well more followers, more views, more comments etc = more exposure and hopefully more company connection. I know i struggled a lot with that but am gradually learning to just accept i will get there eventually.

    Simply Uneeke

  • I never really thought about how blogging has changed me until now. I can completely relate to the social aspect and I can now see that blogging did make my sense of community grow both online and offline. A very interesting post!

  • This was such a perfect read, I may have to do my own post about this. I have been blogging since 2011, and so many things has changed. I have done and met so many people, it is crazy. What a crazy journey it has been. Thanks for sharing.


  • The amazing people I have met is my best treasures from seriously? Destiny helpers all around!!

    And then personal growth, spiritual, physical, character wise… I am in awe myself..

  • This is soooo real. I can totally relate with this whole post. Though I'm too busy to blog but I never miss visiting my favourite blogs whenever I get the chance to.

    @"I'm forever seeking out shoot locations and you can find me randomly screaming "hey that wall will be perfect for some blog shots"!" I can totally testify to that. I am like that.

    Really great post. To think that I'm just seeing it. Keep up the good work.