Skin Care || Namaste Organics Black Soap Review

Hey Guys.
I promised to do a review of the namaste organics black soap in my last beauty post where I talked about going natural with my skin care routine and I’m here right now to keep my promise. 
Quick update before I get into this : I finally switched back to my previous skincare cleansing routine and that means I’m back to my neutrogena oil free face wash. 
I know, I know. After all my talk about going natural right? Well, I’ll explain why I made the switch back below so keep reading.
After my whole experience with the dudu osun black soap (read here), I was seriously on the lookout for another black soap to try. I got more than a few recommendations on instagram to try out the namaste organics brand and two of them came from people I know personally so I was sold. 
I checked out the brand’s website and found out that they have different types of black soap with different ingredients to satisfy different needs.
I decided to go for their Exfoliating 100% african black soap body wash with lemon oil, majorly because of the natural brightening/toning property. I already talked about how that’s what I’m really after – something to even out my skin tone and bring forth my glow.

I bought the 400g size and it came in a small brown draw-string sack like bag with a small tub of dry face polish as an extra. I honestly didn’t understand the face polish, probably because I had never seen that type of face scrub before and had to google it first. Lol. Used it just once and abandoned it. The 400g size costs 3500Naira although there are other sizes price ranging from 1500 – 5000Naira. I got mine precisely on the 18th of August and it lasted through till December, despite the fact that my mum took like a quarter of it. Although, I used it only for my face so that might have added to it lasting so long.

I fell in love with the soap after my first use. I loved that it didn’t give me that extra dry feel I got with the dudu osun which meant that it was just perfect for me. I also loved that it lathered easily (not as much as dudu osun though), so I could manage it very well. Lol

Now, did it tone my skin (why I actually got it)? Honestly, I can’t say for sure because while my friend kept asking me why I looked brighter, a few other people said they didn’t notice much. I think it did though even if the effect wasn’t that much.
After a few weeks, I noticed that my face was getting oily! I was worried because I have a dry – normal type skin so I did not understand why my nose and forehead was becoming an oil factory and since the soap was the only new change I had made, I concluded it had to be because of it.

I think there’s something about “oils” that doesn’t just agree with my skin. I remember my first breakout was because I applied shea butter to my face, so I usually stay clear of oils and go for oil free products. Not sure why It didn’t click in my head that the Namaste black soap contained lots of oil (lemon oil, coconut oil, Palm kernel oil)

I’ll admit that I’m honestly not so sure about this oil business so I’ll need y’all to educate me please.

Can using products with lots of oil make your skin type change to oily? Is it even impossible to not have any of these oils in a soap? 
Because I know lots of people talk about how awesome coconut oil, tea tree oil and co are to their skin and also I heard about “oil cleansing” which is basically using a mix of oils to “wash” your face.
So, what do you guys think?

Also have you ever used the namaste organi or any Namaste organics product? Which was it and what was your experience?

Also, let’s connect! 

Author: Cassie Daves

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  • Hey Cassie,
    Just one of your avid readers who finally garnered courage to comment.
    First, you have beautiful skin already, whenever I see you in school, I am just in literal awe! Plus, I am too shy to say hi.
    I do think that some people naturally do not agree with certain substances. I also had major breakout with shea butter on my skin, but my hair seems to love it, but it is the reverse with coconut oil. I guess it is a matter of trial and error.
    I really do not know how you do it. I know how crazy it is to be a HO in LUTH.
    More power to you girl!! God bless.

    • Hey Desire. Awwwwwwwwwwww
      I was really smiling when I saw this comment. Thank you! Please don't be shy oh, I'm even the one that's low-key shy of meeting people lol
      I think you're right, it's really about what works for you. I totally agree and thank you so much for your contribution

  • You do have really great skin though, people like me stay on top of their skin care game 24/7 …but oddly, I have never really bothered with soaps, I dunno why, I turned to black soap- Dudu Osun after your review, not much affect, a li'l drier but just same old… Wish you luck on your Quest to find an oil-free soap,
    P. S you could just pop into a cosmetic store and tell them, are what kinda things they recommend, /waiting eagerly for the Abuja Review, laughing at your Treasure hunt though/
    P. P. S mentioned the Cassie Daves blog planner in my latest post

    • Lol be laughing oh. You didn't give me expo! *side eye*
      So you're back to normal soap now? Thanks alot for the post! I checked it out already and even thoufh in still having difficulties living a comment, I definitely shared it on my Facebook and Twitter. Thanks alot! Your wish might just come to pass hehe

    • Actually heard about it from Deola's blog. I was really intrigued and I've only read positives reviews about it since then but mehn I'm really scared to apply oil on my face.
      You're right! Plus the trial and error thing. You never know if it's good or bad for you till you try anyways

  • I haven't tried the namaste brand before, but i recently got a black soap from NITC 17- a natural hair event I attended last week because I was breaking out. It's the Aramiessentials brand ( I actually liked it the first time I used it but decided to spice things up by mixing it with turmeric powder which has lightening/anti-inflammatory/anti-oxidant properties.

  • Hmmmm..Cassie u are gorgeous…God is good..This my first comment on any blog in my 20 something years,I just read and move,I just had to comment..I no the ordeals of been HO,.lol!! I’m a believer in good skin though I seem to be loosing it since I ventured into make up,but I think am pickn up from where I stopped..I think Arami is a good place to start even dimmaumeh swears by it..pls can u do a review on CETAPHIL Cleanser,I have normal skin type