This is for you! Yes You

I write this for all those who have ever felt invincible
The Ugly ducklings
The Wall flowers
For all those who ever thought the only way out was suicide
The cutters
To All those who had to turn to drugs to numb the pain
For all those in pursuit of happiness that seems so far away
So I put pen to paper and put a little bit of my heart out there
For all who had to cry themselves to sleep
Whose only companion seemed to be the tears
They were always there.
The third wheels
I write this for everyone out there who has had to deal with any form of abuse
The ones from broken homes
For the misunderstood and the dreamers
For the Young girls who had to support themselves before they were old enough to understand life
For the young men who long stopped believing in life. In Love
The models struggling to keep at it even with all the rejections
For the med students who have dealt with failure.
This is for the faded beauty queens, for the little ones afraid to test the waters.
For the forgotten ones and the ones afraid to speak up.

This, This is for You.

You are perfect
You are strong
You are good enough
You are smart enough.

Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!
Don’t let life’s struggles bring you down. 

So grab this bull called life by the horns and pull and push till you finally conquer

Cassandra Ikegbune

Author: Cassie Daves

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