Candid Talk || Thoughts at 4 A.M

I never sleep at a stretch, i always have “half breaks” in between.  Im not sure if its a blessing or a curse but so many things come to me during my half break and I learn myself all over again. I think about everything and nothing. Life becomes a bit clearer thanks to my half breaks and consequent late night thoughts/revelations, I have started to figure out how to go about this weird thing I have of wanting to inspire people on life, love, relationships and everything and because i suck at public speaking what other means can i use if not my blog eh?
You know its amazing how many broken people are out there wondering if they are alone in this and not knowing there are so many other broken people out there wondering the same too.
Its amazing how many females are out there right now dealing with all sorts of issues and not thinking they can have it better elsewhere. Its amazing how when you look just a little bit closely and try to come out of your own bubble and problems, you”ll find out that people out there have real problems and dont know how to go about handling it.
I’ve decided to start this new segment called “candid talk” , where I’ll let myself be real and put down all the things that bother me at 4am in the morning. I mean i’m still learning myself and this “life” thing too and i also want to share that process with people alongside sharing my journey to finding my style and hope that someway somehow we can both learn from each other

Who is with me?
Cassandra Ikegbune

Author: Cassie Daves

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  • All in. Great idea . I have breaks when somethimg is bothering me tho…and thats usually the best time to figure it out.
    Oh btw I came across some pictures of you in some fashion shows in 2011 lol

  • I totally get you Cassie, I just wish somtimes that peopl will understand what you are going through but is as if nobody cares enough to reason in your direction. Your openess is part of the reason why am an ardent reader of your blog. Its like bonding with a stranger. Looking forward to the candid discussions ahead and please think less.

  • I'm in! I have those times too and those are the best times to recognize your passion and most importantly pray. I've always wanted to inspired people and help them live better lives and I recognized that passion during my '4am' breaks. And guess what? I decided to kick my fears in the face and start doing what I love- helping, inspiring, motivating, writing, talking more about God, more fashion…everything. Talking about public speaking, look at it this way- First you CAN do it even beyond your expectations because the world is waiting to heal through your words. Mostly importantly, God just wants to use you to help other people! This should be your driving force and focus. For God, beyond self. So, look at those things that make you suck at public speaking (including shyness and all it's siblings) as fear. Even if you're afraid, DO IT Afraid. Blogging about it is one aspect, but speaking to those ones too broken to read your blog is another thing and will go a long long way.

    First time commenting here and keep up the great work with your blog!

  • Great post! I do have such moments too. Its amazing what one can think when in a silent mood. 🙂
    *Appreciate your visit on my blog very much. Stay Bless!*