Outfit | How Normcore Is This?

P.S – I wrote this like in May but didn’t post it because, laziness right timing.

Hol’up. I feel like I’ve been sleeping on the “what’s in and what’s not’ news flash again. Why, I was just randomly going through the internet when I saw the word normcore thrown at me. I hit up my best pal ‘google’ asap and did a lot of reading up to get myself in the know. I found out that there were actually different ideas of what the trend was about and it seemed like no one really understood the essence of it.
I must admit, I was a bit confused myself and tried to initiate conversations with fellow fashion enthusiasts on this normcore thing but unfortunately they all fell my hand.

“Normcore is a unisex fashion trend characterized by unpretentious, average-looking clothing. The term combines the words “normal” and “hardcore”, and was coined by K-Hole, a trend forecasting group”

Ha ha. So i’ve basically been going up against people who think they have style but are just the “everyday-dress-good-ordinary nothing-so-wow-about-your-outfit-people”. It looks like they are the new cool thing right now. I mean, was this normcore thing started as a way to mock the authentic ones who are constantly serving us real style?
Apparently its some form of reply to the “dare to be different” ones. Its saying to hell with your authenticity, personal style statement and what-not, we don’t need our clothes to make a statement.
It seems anti-style is the new cool. I personally don’t think normcore is anti style! There’s this coolness to it even though they swear there wasn’t any effort that proves otherwise. According to The guardian, normcore wearers are people who do not wish to distinguish themselves from others by their clothing and not necessarily “sloppy” dressing.
Here’s my own definition of normcore I culled from all the chaos of ideas on it out there :

Normcore is easy to wear, its comfort, its not loud yet stylish in its own way and finally its void of excess. In normcore prints and bright colours don’t exist.

But I’m not so sure. You see, this normcore trend confuses me as well so maybe a little help here? Is this outfit normcore enough?

Incase you’re still a bit confused : if you have to throw on a turban, or bow tie, or tweak your outfit in other to stand out then no you’re not exactly normcore. Not quite

Cassandra Ikegbune

P.S : The giveaway has been extended to thursday. So keep the entries coming!

Author: Cassie Daves

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