Note To Self

Today started a bit slow for me, i just started a new clinical posting in school “”Paediatrics” and i was feeling mentally unprepared for the change and the new routine and all the stress that comes with medical school. When i saw the time table, i freaked out a bit and started thinking of how i was going to handle all that. I’m so thankful for the amazing support system God gave me, all it took was one phone call and i was reminded of that scripture up there.
One day at a time Cassandra, One day at a time.

Just a little reminder to take things easy.

Cassandra Ikegbune

Author: Cassie Daves

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  • Yes this is so True! You and All those that are sick are in my Prayers!

    I have been to the hospital as an inpatient and visitor … seeing a sick baby tugs on my heart!

    Stay Strong Cassandra they will Need you soon enough! Remember you can't lose a patient, that's for God to Decide when we are called! For everyone God calls Home, there will be Many more He will use you to Heal! Be Brave and Keep the Faith!

    We Care! Hope this helps a little too???

    Thank You, Sis and Have Fun giving them Fun with Your Love! =D

  • Hey babe,thank God for that song(matt6:34) He gave you, keep singing the Lord's song and everything would go easy. If you never had the ability to handle all of this, you won't be were you are today. What is it that you can't do,if you are slow(patient) to action? Get up sweet! It is within the depths of the strongest and darkest storms that you discover within you an inextinguishable light, and it is this light that illuminates the right path forward. Take a deep breathe and give it your best.

  • A virtual hug would have to suffice, change has a way of overwhelming us, but if only we dare to believe that everything that happens or we go through that God's hand is in our hands slowly taking us through the hurdles we see, then we will sleep easy. Worry not cassie it will be alright, you'll see.

  • Don't worry Cassie you will be fine, we've not seen you yet but we are here for you to rant it out. You really are trying, I recently visited my immedate elder bro working at NAUTH, I then realised I prefer all the calculations I did in Engineering to anything close to the hospital. Just hang in there dearie, graduate, save some money while doing your housemanship and boom you get to do whatever you want with your life. Anyway that's just my youthful advice I mean. God is your strength but he also want you to be happy you know. Well I've been down that road and I will never choose wrongly again, I would rather be a not so rich but fulfiled designer/stylist to a rich grouchy Engineer. There is more to life than just the big names and wealth. Just hang in there dearie, you are almost done. All the best.

  • Veronica Roth said something in one of her books that stuck to me. She said, "bravery sometimes is nothing more than gritting your teeth through the pain, and the work of everyday, the slow walk towards a better life". Knowing that I'm being brave just by waking up and facing my day keeps me going everyday. Be brave. You will live through your days

  • Congratulations on starting your clinicals! You sound very prepared to tackle your challenges by just letting go and letting God. Seriously you don't know how long it took me to learn that. Haha 🙂