Because I can’t end this year without giving a proper shout out to the people who have made blogging a lot easier for me this year with their help, kind words, support and time. I’m writing this now and a million and one names are jumping into my head but unfortunately I
Outfit || Twenty-Six’ing
Guys, I’m Twenty – Six’ing again! But this time the focus is more on this dress I picked at a ridiculous bargain early this year but which turned out to be too short for me ( Somebody say Tall girl problem?! ) I contemplated giving it out but my hoarding game so strong and
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Outfit || Wrap It Up
When i got the invitation to the woodin store launch, I already knew I was going to finally be forced to rock a head wrap again. Mainly because woodin is an african brand and I felt i was going to be expected to rep that a bit and since I don’t own
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Birthday Bants..
Happy birthday to me! I really need to adopt this birthday spirit thing. I look the most scruffy i’ve looked this month right now and people are finding it so hard to believe its my birthday today. Haha My fringe is flying, I have no make up on at all and I’m
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Woodin Store Launch
Korede Bello Sharon Ojong Tracy SisiYemmie and Bobo You might have already seen this news on my instagram but for my blog fam, I was made a woodin style rep recently . Yaay me! I was on my first official “style rep” duty today as they had their new store launch at
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Outfit || Oldies But Goodies.
I was going through my picture gallery earlier today and realized that I have quite a number of old “OOTD’s” that could actually make the cut for “bloggable outfits” (Yes, there is such a thing as that!) so I decided to pick out a couple of them and share. 1.
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Redefining Beauty x Titi Sonuga : Speaking Into The Void
Hey guys! I know I’ve been doing a lot of “Life Diary” posts but you guys know that this blog isn’t just a fashion blog so yeah. (I wrote an about page for the blog recently, you can check it out incase you’re new around here and wondering what gives: here) I went
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Flash Back || When Moving Forward Means Leaving The Past Behind
Flash Back… To a time when everything felt so complicated and life seemed hell bent on breaking me down. I haven’t been doing a lot of reminiscing lately but the other night I let the music take me back, The rain is falling on my window pane But we are hiding in
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Anisa Mpungwe For MRP.
I’m sure most of us are familiar with the Mr Price / brand. I’ve always liked the brand for the affordability of their items but they just won my love major with their new designer collection range by Anisa Mpungwe! This talented designer, who was born in Tanzania, collaborated with MRP
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