Olakunmi Oni Mide Coker Hey’yal! So we didn’t exactly make so much noise about this but recently a couple of bloggers myself included put together a fashion day out picnic for creatives to basically network, talk about challenges we face, learn a couple of new things from each other and of course
Are All Men Really The Same?
I’ve been meaning to write about this since last year when a friend used that line in a conversation we were having but somehow I just kept on pushing it away but today is my personal 1st Timothy 3 man’s birthday and I can’t help but be thankful for this awesome man
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Giveaway || Fashion Ma Peau
Hey Guys! How are we doing? Today I have a little something something for my loyal blog readers! I actually meant to do this giveaway in December but better late than never right? and its even better because now I have two things to giveaway so read on to find out what
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Outfit || Something Blue
You know that thing they say about variety being the spice of life? Truer words havent been said. I posted a sneak peek of this post on Instagram earlier and I got lots of “ooo, ahh” comments. Thanks guys! Although, I must confess that this outfit wasn’t all my idea. I let my friend
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Cassie Daves Guide To: Starting Your Own Blog.
Because I keep getting emails from people asking about how to get started with their blogging adventure, I thought to finally put out a post sharing some tips and advice from starting mine and my own little experience thus far. Lets dig in. Covering The Basics. So you’ve decided that you want
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Model Diary || Threaded.
Been a while I updated my model diary segment. To be honest, I’m not so much about that model life anymore. Not just because of the increasing demands of being a final year medical student (major factor though) but I guess i’m just tired and cant deal anymore with the industry over
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Three Things To Try In The New Year
While everyone is out there penning down resolutions, I’ve decided to be a bit more realistic “with myself” this year. By no means is this me saying that new year resolutions are a waste of time but writing down 21 things to do before 21 and not doing any of them last
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2014 In Words
I’m trying to make this end of the year review in both “style and words” a blog tradition. So here goes, Its 12:39am and I’m here trying to put pen to paper. If I tell you I’ve been more than a little bit stuck, would you believe me? But Yes I have and
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2014 In Style
Of course there has to be a final review of my looks of 2014, what did you expect? This year brought on a wave of uncertainty for me “style-wise”. I felt the most unsure about my style and its evolution this year. I also felt a bit burnt out, like I was
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