These past two weeks have been a bit slow school-wise due to the doctors strike and that amongst other things mean I can get to lose the smart dressing for a while which is good news to me because I’m really a lazy dresser. Most days I just want to throw on
StyleCrush || Aimee Song
Guysss!! How have i been sleeping on “Aimee Song” of Song of style for this long? Oh Noo! Of course i don’t mean i don’t know who she is, that will be like a fashion blogging crime because she’s one of the top tier fashion bloggers out there. I’ve always known of her
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Poetry || Anis Mojgani
Yet another beautiful poetry find and because i feel like I’m so at peace these days that i fear i’m beginning to forget how much of a mess i was and how dark and gloomy my days were. I mean what’s the use of getting through the dark if you can’t go
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Hair Update : Getting Kinky ( Senegalese Twists)
Look who finally made up her mind and got her hair braided? I’ve been meaning to get braids for a while now but I kept on procastinating it. My final push came while on my way out to school one fine afternoon, I caught a glimpse of myself in a car mirror
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Outfit || Bow Tied II
I doubt if my love for bow ties will ever wane although i haven’t been wearing much of it of recent. Its approximately a year from today that i last put on a bow tie (in this post ) which is not too cool because i used to be a bow tie advocate
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Half Of A Yellow Sun Notes
And so it happens that as I lay sprawled on my sister’s bed, my mind keeps revisiting words from Chimamanda’s half of a yellow sun which my friend handed me a week ago saying ”Here, I knew you’ll love to read it”. Of course I would. I finished the book in one
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Outfit || Almost White Out x Rerocking Tips
Hey Guys! I hope you all had a lovely weekend? Firs off, i just want to say thank you so so much for all the positive comments i got on my last post . You guys might probably think I’m exaggerating but forreal i was like “omg i have like the best
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Outfit || Retro Vibes
I look like i have “bronze baby syndrome” in these pictures. Not so flattering but i figured i could only keep it in my drafts for so long before i finally give in to the pressure and put it up. I quite like the pose though especially the one where I’m laughing.
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My Thoughts on Journaling.
I’ve never actually kept a diary, just tidbits of my life here and there. The idea of getting one and chronicling my life events came to me randomly on thursday and I impressed myself by actually going for it and not letting it die as just an idea. So, i went out
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